Veterans’ Peer Mentor (VPM) Scheme Presented by John (Jed) Stone Veterans’ Peer Mentor Scheme Coordinator November 2015
Why was the Scheme started? Hants and the IOW have a high density of serving and veteran members of the armed services. A small minority have difficulties and find themselves in trouble with the law. Not every custodial facility or offender manager has the knowledge or time to deal appropriately with veteran offenders (stand fast HMP Winchester Veterans in Custody Scheme). Started in April 2012 and initially funded by the Department of Health.
How do we engage with Veteran Offenders? Offender managers (OM) and key workers are fully briefed on the VPM Scheme Posters and leaflets targeted at Veteran offenders Clients volunteer and are referred by the prison contact or their OM The volunteer mentors are all current or ex armed services; hence they have shared experiences, common language and a desire to help. Meetings are normally held away from probation premises including in the client’s home. Not just a ‘sign posting’ service
What are the benefits of the VPM Scheme? The volunteer mentors work directly with their clients to enable them to talk about their problems in an open and non- judgemental manner. An action plan is agreed to enable the clients to access support to help them tackle their problems which can include; –a sense of isolation, low self esteem, mental health issues, alcohol and drug abuse. –anger management problems leading to possible domestic violence –lack of accommodation, employment and debt issues Because we work with the OMs this enables a ‘joined up’ approach to help in the clients rehabilitation.
How do we judge the Scheme’s success? Does the client re-offend within one year of the end of the their supervision order or similar Progress made against the client’s action plan The client’s feelings about the progress that they have made (using discussions, star diagrams and client feedback forms) The OM feedback The feedback received from statutory bodies and charities who have helped the client along the way.
Two Client Stories Frank - RN Petty Officer - criminal damage. Alcohol issues, PTSD, isolated, unemployed and previously sleeping rough. Mary - QARANC Corporal - actual bodily harm. Alcohol issues, low self esteem/confidence, unemployed, homeless and separated from her two children.
Informing the wider community Since the start of the scheme we have attended and addressed various relevant forums including the Phillip’s Report call for evidence process. In the new year we will attend the Probation Institute’s mentoring workshop. Continue to address any organisations who wish to know more about our Veteran Peer Mentoring experiences. Contact details: Mobile: Fax: