Responsibilities and tasks EcoR Partener P6 - EcoR Partener CRPMPEC Canakkale, Turkiye 15th, 2011,September 16’th - IMPLEMENTATION OF A QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM FOR TRAINING IN ORGANIC FOOD RETAIL – ECOQUALIFY III
Partner No. 6 responsabilities WP1. Participation in Partner Meetings – Vienna (2010) and Plovdiv 2011; Report on activities and funds management; - collection of all documents and filling in the tables Contributions to interim and final reports; - a short version of the inception phase was filled in and reported
WP2 – Framework Analysis Translation of the 3 pre prepared questionnaires Preparation of the launching of questionnaires Collection of the filled in questionnaires for the three target groups Preparing the Framework analysis In Plovdiv the results of analysis done in Romania were presented Conclusions: -Wide range of trainings are needed for the producers as well as for retailers including – general aspects related to organic agriculture -Focus on labeling, organic food production -Training tools: on job training and short seminars
WP2 – Framework Analysis - Products Three translated questionnaires Pre report of the Framework analysis Report – FRAMEWORK ANALYSIS of Romanian organic sector
WP3 - Adaptation of Quality Assurance System Translating the Quality Handbook and suggesting necessary corrections Identification of the necessary changes adaptation of the Quality Manual Feedback related to the documents and additional comments for the document fine tuning
WP3 - Adaptation of Quality Assurance System - product Draft – commented Quality Handbook according the needed changes to be suitable and holistic for the training providers Translation of the Quality Handbook in Romanian language
WP4 - Testing of the quality assurance system Creation of the - TESTING METHODOLOGY (DRAFT1) Presentation of the first draft in workshop 3 Product: First draft of the Methodology
WP5 – Creating the final version of the QAS Will be done after the changes in the QAS will be implemented. The Romanian documents will be updated with the new changes
WP6 - Valorization and dissemination 3 activities (meetings) Meetings with organic stakeholders Presenting the project to organic retailers and producers Introducing the project to the relevant national authorities (Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of commerce) Producing flyers – promotion purposes and dissemination in different meetings Web – press release and promotion
WP6 - Valorization and dissemination - product Dissemination table Presenting the project to different stakeholders Distribution of 250 flyers to organic food associations, ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Commerce Including in the web page of a section dedicated to EQ III
EcoR Website – EQ III Section
WP6 - Valorisation and dissemination
Project dissemination in Romania Meeting in Matca
EcoR UEA Organic Mission – Presentation of EQ III and discussion of a possible transfer
Project Dissemination in Romania
Project dissemination in Romania Meeting in Cluj July 2011
WP7 - Overall project evaluation Continuous activity Budget control
Thank you for your attention EcoR Partener Team Tel: Fax: