AP Seminar Schedule 9/15 Objective: to identify different perspectives within a single lens Essential Question (EQ): What factors make up a person’s identity? Turn-in: Jekyll and Hyde Paper brief discussion of theses Introduction to Perspectives within a given lens Perspectives Packet choose two to read (5 minutes) read both and identify 3+ perspectives Writing: assign a name to each of the perspectives and write short paragraph explaining their arguments Finish for HW if you do not complete in class HW: Get permission slip signed TONIGHT if you intend to come to the Coriolanus showing Finish Perspectives Packet Reminders: Coriolanus showings on Tues. and Wed. at 3:30 in E232 ● Coriolanus EC due Fri. 9/19 ● Aristotle-Descarte Revisions due Fri. 9/19 ● Perspective Paper Bibliography due 9/ ● Perspective Paper due 9/26
Open Letter to Ann Coulter 1. Syed 2. Paula 3. Samia 4. Sarah 5. Lindsey 6. Bidisha 7. Vinisha 8. Jacia 9. Chris Gender Testing 1. Ania 2. Lauren 3. Vinisha 4. Paula 5. Samia 6. Sarah 7. Lindsey 8. Bidisha 9. Elizabeth Understanding Angry Gamers 1. Chris 2. Elizabeth 3. Ania 4. Lauren 5. Jacia 6. Syed
AP Seminar Schedule 9/16 Objective: to identify different perspectives within a single lens Essential Question (EQ): What factors make up a person’s identity? Note Up-Coming Re-Write Packet Article Sharing Derive main question of articles within “Identity” theme Identify lenses and perspectives Read Last Article HW: BRING LAPTOPS OR OTHER WRITING TECHNOLOGY TO CLASS ON W/TH Reminders: Coriolanus showings on Tues. and Wed. at 3:30 in E232 ● Coriolanus EC due Fri. 9/19 ● Aristotle-Descarte Revisions due Fri. 9/19 ● Perspective Paper Bibliography due 9/ ● Perspective Paper due 9/26
AP Seminar Schedule 9/17-18 Objective: to identify different perspectives within a single lens Essential Question (EQ): What factors make up a person’s identity? Discuss Perspective Paper and Group Paper Meet With Groups to decide Topic and Lens Work on Aristotle-Descartes Revision Reminders: Coriolanus showings on Tues. and Wed. at 3:30 in E232 ● Coriolanus EC due Fri. 9/19 ● Aristotle-Descarte Revisions due Fri. 9/19 ● Perspective Paper Bibliography due 9/ ● Perspective Paper due 9/26
AP Seminar Schedule 9/19 Objective: to identify different perspectives within a single lens Essential Question (EQ): What factors make up a person’s identity? Turn-in: Aristotle-Descartes revision and Coriolanus write-up Briefly discuss good sources and Wikipedia use Computer lab two good sources for your individual paper are due at the end of the period Reminders: Coriolanus showings on Tues. and Wed. at 3:30 in E232 ● Coriolanus EC due Fri. 9/19 ● Aristotle-Descarte Revisions due Fri. 9/19 ● Perspective Paper Bibliography due 9/ ● Perspective Paper due 9/26