Making Personal Connections To The Novel The Outsiders By S.E. Hinton Journal Prompts Making Personal Connections To The Novel
Click the image or link below to watch the video Chapter 1 – 2 Journal Click the image or link below to watch the video Have you ever felt like an outsider? If yes, why did you feel that way, and how did it make you feel? If no, have you ever seen someone in your school treated like an outsider? How do you think they felt?
Click the image or link below to watch the video Chapter 3 – 4 Journal Click the image or link below to watch the video This video says that men are generally more aggressive than women and they are more likely to react with violence and aggression in stressful situations. Explain if you would have reacted to Ponyboy’s drowning with aggression and violence as Johnny did. Do you think your gender plays a role in your reaction?
Click the image or link below to watch the video Chapter 5 – 6 Journal Click the image or link below to watch the video What is your definition of a hero? Do you think Dally, Ponyboy, and Johnny are heroes according to your definition?
Click the image or link below to watch the video Chapter 7 – 8 Journal Click the image or link below to watch the video In these chapters, the media (newspapers) printed articles which caused some people to look at them differently. How does the media (newspapers, TV, Internet, Social Media) impact your own life and identity?
Click the image or link below to watch the video Chapter 9 – 10 Journal Click the image or link below to watch the video In these chapters, Ponyboy and Dally are greatly affected by Johnny’s death. Think back to any difficult situation that has affected your life. How did you handle the situation? What sort of emotions were you feeling?
Click the image or link below to watch the video Chapter 11 – 12 Journal Click the image or link below to watch the video At the end of chapter 12, we learn that the novel is actually Ponyboy’s English writing assignment. Discuss a particular assignment you have completed for school that is memorable or that you are proud of. Explain why this assignment is so memorable.