USH 17:1 The New Frontier Election of 1960 – T.V. used to “sell” candidates for first time – John F. Kennedy, Democrat – Richard. Nixon, Republican
Issues in the Election Both were “Cold Warriors” – Determined to stop communist aggression “Missile Gap” – Belief the U.S. was behind Soviets in weaponry Kennedy’s Catholicism – Worries Catholic Church would guide Kennedy
Kennedy Takes Office 35 th president: John F. Kennedy ( ) “New Frontier” – Kennedy’s legislative agenda Increase aid to education Provide health insurance to elderly Create Department of Urban Affairs
Successes and setbacks Democrats controlled both House and Senate – Many Democrats not loyal to Kennedy No “coattails” Southern Democrats thought “New Frontier” was too expensive – Expands economy Government invests in defense and space programs
Successes and Setbacks Raised minimum wage Housing project for low-income areas Equal Pay Act of 1963 – Women paid same as men for same work Created programs to help people with disabilities
Warren Court Reforms Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Rulings re-shape American politics and society
Warren Court-Civil Rights Brown v Board of Education (1954) – Segregation in public schools unconstitutional Heart of Atlanta Motel v U.S. (1964) – Segregation illegal in public accommodations Loving v Virginia (1967) – States cannot ban interracial marriages
Warren Court – Due Process Mapp v Ohio (1961) – Unlawfully seized evidence cannot be used at trial Gideon v Wainwright (1963) – Right to a court-appointed attorney Escobedo v Illinois (1964) – Right to an attorney during police questioning Miranda v Arizona (1966) – Informed of your rights if arrested
Warren Court – Freedom of Speech / Religion Engel v Vitale (1962) – Banned state-mandated prayer in public schools Albington School District v Schempp (1963) – Banned state-mandated bible readings in school N.Y. Times v Sullivan (1964) – Limited when celebrities could sue the media