The Cougar By:Meghan Easterly, Shelly Schuelke, Mason Foytik
Description Cougars are also called puma, mountain lion, panther, catamount, American lion, deer tiger, brown tiger, and night screamer. In its common name, mountain lion, mountain- refers to the general habitat the animal occupies.
Habitat The cougar's range has decreased since European settlement, but is still the most extensive of any terrestrial mammal in the western hemisphere. This large predator is now common only in the west.
Why is the cougar endangered? The cougar is endangered because there are less cougar’s in the world than there were thousands of years ago. Hunting and the destruction of habitat and food source cause the decline of numbers
What is being done to help the cougar? Government organizations are practicing a breeding and release program
Resources fap/hww-fap.cfm?ID_species=57&lang=e fap/hww-fap.cfm?ID_species=57&lang=e m m ma-cougar.htm ma-cougar.htm