Preposition Of Movement © 2015 PREPOSITION OF MOVEMENT
Preposition Of Movement © 2015 Prepositions of movement are prepositions that indicate how one thing is moving in relation to another. Some common prepositions of movement are: onto, into, through, across, past, off of, away from, toward, under, over, along and around. Meanings : Across : Across is movement from one side of an area, surface, or line to the other side. Through : Through is movement from one side of an enclosed space to the other side. Along : Along is to follow a line. Around : Around is to go in a circular direction around some obstacle. Into : Into is to go from outside a space to inside a space.
Preposition Of Movement © 2015 Out of : Out of is to go from inside a space to outside a space. Onto / Off : Onto and off refer to surfaces, differently from into / out of (which refer to enclosed spaces) Over : To go over is to pass above something. Under : To go under is to pass below something. Towards : If you go towards something, you get closer to it. Away from : If you go away from something, you get farther away from it.
Preposition Of Movement © 2015 To : ‘To’ is used when there is a specific destination in mind. The destination can be a number of things: 1. A place: Examples : a)I’m going to the doctor’s. b) Can you direct me to the nearest post office? 2. An event: Examples : a) Are you going to the party? b) I have never been to a concert. 3. A person: Examples : a) She came up to me. b) I go to my father for advice. 4. A position: Examples : a) The bathroom is to your left. b) Keep to the left.
Preposition Of Movement © 2015 Prepositions of movement : She ran... acrossthe road. alongthe road. aroundthe playground. away fromthe policeman. back tothe shop. downthe hill. intothe room. onto (on to)the platform. offthe stage.
Preposition Of Movement © 2015 Prepositions of movement : She ran... out ofthe theatre. overthe bridge. pastthe opening. roundthe track. throughthe tunnel. tothe door. towardsthe bus stop. underthe shelter. upthe hill.
Preposition Of Movement © 2015 Examples : He threw the ball across the court. They drove along the road. The bees buzzed around his head. He had to go back to square one. He skied down the mountain. The man poured the sand into the timer. The man ran off the cliff. The wheel span past the winning line. The arrow is moving round the ball. The train came through the tunnel. The meteor was heading towards the planet. She limbed under the pole.
Preposition Of Movement © 2015 Exercise : They walked ________ the building twice looking for the entrance. While they were hiking ________ the forest, Jane and Frank saw a mountain lion. She sailed ________ the river. The train passed ________ nine tunnels on the way to Denver. When the kids saw the snake in the grass, they started running ________ screaming hysterically. He gave us directions and suggested we drive about 5 miles ________ the sunset.
Preposition Of Movement © 2015 Make sentences : Under Through Across Towards Over Around Along
Preposition Of Movement © 2015 Reviewed By Reviewed On Comments / Changes Made Vidyesh N.A.