General Shop Layout Lots of lights; the wood working bench is in the corner where I can look outside at the trees, grass, cows, deer, birds, and mountain lions. Glen’s Wood Shop
Wide-Belt Sander This is very useful when working with the curly maple wood.
The main machine in the shop: table saw, shaper, jointer, and planer.
Dust Collection System. The main line goes through the wall and out into the garage (right) where the dust is collected. There is a pipe to every big machine to take the wood dust away.
My woodworking bench. With the sand bags in the bottom it weights about 700 lbs (it doesn’t move when I am doing hand work).
Dovetail saw, Japanese chisels, etc., all used for detailed hand work.
Hand planes to make the wood smooth. With these I can make wood shavings that are half the thickness of a piece of paper.
The Horse
Box #1
Box #2
A coffee table project, made out of curly maple and walnut, and with hand-cut dovetail joinery.
Box #3