Oggi è il dodici febbraio 2015. LO SCOPO: Impariamo le coniugazioni dei verbi in -are. FATE ADESSO: 1. Tirate fuori i compiti. 2. Translate the following.


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Presentation transcript:

Oggi è il dodici febbraio LO SCOPO: Impariamo le coniugazioni dei verbi in -are. FATE ADESSO: 1. Tirate fuori i compiti. 2. Translate the following sentences: Mi piace viaggiare in Italia con la mia famiglia. Non mi piace studiare la matematica. Mi piace mangiare, ma non mi piace cucinare.

PROGRAMMA Go over –are vocabulary Learn how to conjugate –are verbs in Italian

Conjugating What is a verb? A word that shows action or shows a relation between two things. What does it mean to conjugate a verb? It means that you change the verb according to who is performing the action.

Infinitive What is an infinitive? An infinitive is the base form of a verb that does not specify who performs the action. What are examples of infinitives in English? We express infinitives in English by using the word “to.” To dance, to play, to study

Subject Pronouns in English IWe You (singular)You (plural) He/She You (formal) They

Subject Pronouns in Italian ionoi tuvoi lui/lei Lei loro

How do we conjugate in Italian? Start with the infinitive imparare Take off the –are ending impar- Add the appropriate ending according to the subject io imparo

Endings of –are verbs in the PRESENT TENSE in Italian -o-iamo -i-ate -a-ano

Ballare io ballonoi balliamo tu ballivoi ballate lui/lei balla Lei balla loro ballano

Esempi I play She sings They listen We prepare You (sing.) dance You (pl.) learn You and Maria study Franco and I speak io gioco lei canta loro ascoltano noi prepariamo Tu balli voi imparate Tu e Maria studiate Franco e io parliamo

COMPITI: Study notes on present tense conjugation of –are verbs Final draft of writing assignment due tomorrow (hand in first draft with it)