2015 Mace Advocacy alliance policy conference Meeting the Challenge Cleaner fuel sources for electric generation 2015 Mace Advocacy alliance policy conference Mark Stoering, president nsp-Wisconsin, an Xcel Energy company
XCEL ENERGY Investor-owned Operate in 8 states 12,000+ employees NSP-Minnesota NSP-Wisconsin Public Service Company of Colorado Southwestern Public Service Investor-owned Operate in 8 states 12,000+ employees Unemployment Service area: 3.6% US: 5.1% Customers Electric: 3.4 million Gas: 1.9 million
NSP-WISCONSIN Wisconsin & Michigan Customers 252,000 electric 112,000 natural gas Total Assets $ $2.2 billion Employees 1,000+
A Leader in Conservation ACCOMPLISHMENTS No. 1 wind provider in America Building Solar Capacity A Leader in Conservation All at a Competitive Price A Leader in Transmission Strong Reliability Storm Response 30% Carbon Reduction A Leader in Emission Reductions 4
XCEL ENERGY SUPPLY PORTFOLIO Capitalize on diversity Geographic advantage Natural gas plants support renewables Today, coal remains base-load option Coal 37% Nuclear 30% Renewables 25% Natural Gas 8%
EVOLVING POLICY LANDSCAPE Final Clean Power Plan Reduce CO2 emissions 32% nationally Improves on 2014 proposal More recognition of Xcel Energy’s early action Xcel Energy well-positioned Our Goal: To be the Clean Power Plan Solution Provider to states we serve
CLEAN POWER PLAN SOLUTION PROVIDER Environment Continue emission reduction trajectory Support clean energy at a reasonable price Customers Ensure reasonable cost Maintain reliability Remain viable regardless of outcome of litigation Policymakers Maintain credibility with all states Reduce policy and political risk Shareholders Support business strategy Create growth opportunities
BOLD PLAN TO REDUCE EMISSIONS Accelerate transition to clean energy future Further reduce reliance on coal by 50 percent Develop new natural gas generation in region Speed up pace of wind and solar integration Operate carbon-free nuclear plants through license life Continue to help customers be even more energy efficient
GRADUAL DECREASE ON COAL Retire two major coal units Replace with natural gas plant Add large-scale solar
ADD PEAKING GENERATION Natural Gas Drilling and Fracking Price and Production Henry Hub Price $/MMBtu Marketed Monthly Production MMcf Millions 10
INDUSTRIAL SAND MINING 2010 Sand Deposit Customer 11
INDUSTRIAL SAND MINING Today Sand Deposit Customer 12
GROW EXISTING RENEWABLES Wind No. 1 utility wind provider for 11 consecutive years 1,800 MW of wind generation in Upper Midwest today Increase Upper Midwest wind power by 750 MW or 40 percent by end of year
ADD NEW RENEWABLES AND OPTIONS Solar Top 10 nationally Upper Midwest Planned Additions Utility-Scale Solar - 287 MW in 2016 - 1,400 MW by 2030 Community Solar - 700 MW of small-scale solar gardens - Solar*Connect Community in Wisconsin
MAINTAIN EXISTING RENEWABLES Wisconsin Hydro Leading hydro producer in Midwest Upgraded and modernized Relicensed Low-cost generation Carbon-free Jim Falls Hydro
MAINTAIN EXISTING RENEWABLES Wisconsin Biomass Bay Front Plant – Ashland French Island Plant – La Crosse Locally sustainable fuel Local economic driver Carbon neutral Strong public/private partnerships
RETAIN CARBON-FREE BASE LOAD Nuclear Three units totaling 1,700 MW Continue operation through 2030/2032 Economic driver for host communities Monticello Prairie Island
CORNERSTONE OF CLEAN ENERGY Energy Efficiency National Leader Programs to manage use: 100 for electricity 50 for natural gas 982 GWh of electricity saved in 2014 Our Plan: To achieve an additional 1.5% in energy savings
THE RESULTS Resources for the future 63% Carbon-Free by 2030
OUR PATH FORWARD Environmental challenge as an asset Frame the discussion Provide wins for all Be BOLD … gain momentum