Help Your Child Be Successful in High School Transition from Grade 8 to 9 Martin Himelson Guidance Counsellor November 10, 2015
Goals for Today Become familiar with the TDSB website Become aware of what is offered in the TDSB Make informed decisions High school Information Nights 2 Choices for Nine
Click on “Find your School” Find Your School Choices for Nine 3
Find your school by selecting how you want to search. Find Your School Choices for Nine 4
Considerations When Looking at a High School The range of subjects and programs offered in each grade Semestered versus non-semestered The range of extracurricular activities, clubs and sports offered The supports available for English Language Learners and students with special education needs Distance and travel time 5 Choices for Nine
What Kinds of Programs Are Available to High School Students? See Choices for Nine for a full list of specialized schools and programs Many home schools also offer these learning opportunities: Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM) Cooperative Education (co-op) Technological Education Programs Dual Credit Programs Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) 6 Choices for Nine
Semestered and Non-Semestered Schools Semestered Students take 8 courses in one year 4 courses are taken September to January 4 courses are taken February to June 7 Choices for Nine Non-semestered Students take 8 courses in one year 4 courses are one day and 4 other courses are taken the next day
Information Nights at the High Schools Choices for Nine Program and school specific information is shared Dates and times of High School Information Nights are listed in the Choices for Nine brochure and posted on the TDSB website 8
Information Nights at Specialized Schools To investigate specialized schools or programs, check the specific school/program website for admission requirements Requirements may include auditions, tests, interviews, etc. Check deadline dates for application Choices for Nine 9
Optional Attendance Students are encouraged to attend their home high school based on their address An Optional Attendance form must be used when applying to a high school other than your home high school (outside of your area) In January 2016 we will know which regular high schools will be open for Optional Attendance Forms will be available in January 10 Choices for Nine
Number of Schools Students Can Apply To Students can apply to: 2 specialized schools 2 regular schools under Optional Attendance For their home high school they do not need to apply. They will fill out a course selection sheet in February. 11 Choices for Nine
Information About Ontario Secondary Schools
Total of 30 course credits – 18 compulsory courses – 12 elective courses 40 hours Community Involvement – Begins in summer after Grade 8 Ontario Literacy Requirement - Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy & Program Requirements, 2011 What Are the Graduation Requirements? Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) Choices for Nine 13
Courses In Grade 9 Students will take the following courses in Grade 9 English Mathematics Science Geography French Physical Education Art Elective (Business, Technology, Art … ) 14
Ontario Secondary Schools To graduate from high school a student must earn 30 credits Students are expected to take 8 courses each year In Grade 12, students are allowed to have spares To pass a course, a student must achieve 50% or higher Once a course is passed, a credit is earned 15 Choices for Nine
English Language Learners ESL/ELD Prepare students for success in English and other courses ESL/ELD credits count as compulsory English credits (to a maximum of 3 credits) Students will be placed in Level A, B, C, D or E Can move to Academic/Applied/LDCC courses when appropriate
Course Types in High School Grade 9 and 10Grade 11 and 12 - Applied-College - Academic-Workplace - Locally Developed Compulsory-Mixed Course (LDCC) -Open-University Students should mix course types based on their achievement, interests, and skills. For example a student may take applied English and Geography and academic Math. 17 Choices for Nine
Academic and Applied Course Types Academic Courses Focus on theory and abstract problems 18 Choices for Nine Applied Courses Focus on practical applications and concrete examples These courses include: English, French, Geography, History, Math, and Science
Learning expectations are the same for all students Designed to prepare students for further study and to enrich general education in a subject Can be counted as compulsory or elective credits Grade 9 Open Courses Include: Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Drama, Dance) Business Guidance (Learning Strategies) Exploring Technologies Physical Education What is an Open Course?
Do Students’ Course Type Choices Have an Impact on Postsecondary Options? Yes! The type of courses students take in Grades 9 and 10 affect their choices in Grades 11 and 12 and those choices affect students’ postsecondary options directly out of secondary school Students who want to keep all postsecondary options open should choose academic courses in Grades 9 and Choices for Nine
Pathways in Course Types 21 Choices for Nine Gr. 10 Academic Gr. 9 Academic Gr. 9 Applied Gr. 9 LDCC Gr. 10 Applied Gr. 10 LDCC To transfer from Gr. 9 Applied to Gr. 10 Academic math, students must take a transfer course worth 0.5 credit
What Happens if My Child Does Not Pass a Course? Students may be recommended for Credit Recovery Students may repeat the course in summer school Students may repeat the course in the next semester or year 22 Choices for Nine
The Importance of Credit Accumulation
What is the Data Telling Us? 24 Choices for Nine
What is the Data Telling Us? 25 Choices for Nine
Undecided? 26 Choices for Nine If unsure of the program of study, keep future options open and choose Academic.
Know Your Child 27 Choices for Nine Creating Pathways to Success, 2013
myBlueprint Online educational & career planning tool for students and parents 28 Choices for Nine
The Year Ahead: Educational Planning and Course Selection Process Choices for Nine 29 Planning for the coming year is a process Begins now and will continue until Course Selection Sheets are due in late February
What Can Families Do to Help Students Make Good Choices? Access and investigate myBlueprint career planning tool Attend Secondary Information Evenings/Open Houses Encourage continued participation in extracurricular activities Choose courses of interest Discuss future plans Stay involved and connected with the school 30 Choices for Nine
January 29, 2016 Optional Attendance applications due to secondary schools – delivered by student/parent/guardian February 12, 2016 Secondary schools will inform Optional Attendance applicants by this date Mid to late February 2016 Course Selections completed via myBlueprint and returned to elementary teacher/counsellor February 26, 2016 All course selection sheets due to secondary schools – delivered by Elementary Counsellor Note: Only ONE course selection per student is submitted for ONE secondary school by the elementary school counsellor Specific Dates Choices for Nine 31
Questions? 32 Choices for Nine
Thank You for Coming 33 Choices for Nine
Where do students go after high school? 35 Choices for Nine