Core Focus on Geometry Scientific Notation Lesson 4.3
Warm-Up Simplify each of the following without a calculator − − − ,000 1,000
Scientific Notation Lesson 4.3 Express numbers in scientific notation and standard notation.
Good to Know! Scientific notation uses powers of 10. Each time you multiply a decimal value by 10, the decimal point moves one to the right. Each time you divide by 10, the decimal point moves one to the left. Multiply each time by 10 Divide each time by 10
Scientific Notation Scientific notation is an exponential expression using a power of 10 where and P is an integer.
Example 1 Convert 52,000 to scientific notation. A decimal point is at the end of every whole number. Move the decimal point to the left until it creates a number whose absolute value is equal to or larger than 1 and less than 10. Count how many spaces the decimal point was moved in the number above. The decimal point was moved 4 places to the left. Since the decimal point was moved left, the P value is positive. 52,000 Decimal moved 4 spaces left 52,000 = 5.2 ×10 4
Example 2 Convert − to scientific notation. Move the decimal point to the right until it creates an absolute value equal to or larger than 1 and less than 10. Count how many places the decimal point was moved in the number above. The decimal point was moved 3 places to the right. Since the decimal point was moved right, the P value is negative. − − 4.92 − = − 4.92 ×10 − 3 1 ≤ |−4.92| < 10 Decimal moved 3 spaces right
Example 3 Write the following number in standard notation. a.3.8 ×10 5 METHOD 1 – Moving the Decimal Point Move the decimal point five places to the right. Write the answer in standard notation. METHOD 2 – Multiplying by a Power of Ten Change the power of 10 to standard notation. Multiply the decimal value by the power of 10 5 = 380, = 100, (100000) = 380,000
Example 3 Continued… Write the following number in standard notation. b.6.12 × 10 −3 METHOD 1 – Moving the Decimal Point Move the decimal point three places to the left. Write the answer in standard notation. METHOD 2 – Multiplying by a Power of Ten Change the power of 10 to standard notation. Multiply the decimal value by the power of 10 −3 = −3 = (0.001) =
Example 4 Standard Notation NameMileage Sam5.41 ×10 4 Tom3 ×10 4 Pete25,000 Juan1.1 ×10 5 Convert each number to standard notation. List the drivers from least mileagePete, Tom, Sam, Juan to greatest mileage. 54,100 30, ,000 25,000 Four truck drivers kept track of their mileage for the year. The chart below shows the number of miles each one drove. List the drivers in order from the least mileage driven to the greatest mileage driven.
Communication Prompt What is a situation where it would be useful to write a number in scientific notation rather than standard notation? Explain why.
Exit Problems Write each number in scientific notation ,000,000 Write each number in standard notation × ×10 −5 9.7 10 −4 6.2 ,