Fragmented anti-corruption responsibilities insufficient funding Weak legal system Lack of professional training and expertise Little commitment of frontline staff Hesitant leadership Short of public endorsement
Inadequacy of legislations, legal loopholes and lacunae Challenges on rights infringement Lack of witnesses to testify a sense of fatalism do not trust the system in fear of retaliation Overseas legal assistance not forthcoming Threats on graft fighters Corruption in-house (agency sabotaged)
Bureaucratic public administration Inefficient governmental systems Restrictive and convoluted rules and regulations Inadequate management controls Insufficient checks and balances Lack of transparency No desire to change/transform
NEED or GREED? insufficient pay and benefits for civil servants imbalanced income between government servants and private sector employees High percentage of population enjoying fruits of corruption majority of powerful/influential middle class and above are the satisfied groups social value and orientation not clear public support to fight corruption not high
Costs of anti-corruption too high Robust actions bring down economic development and growth Low education level of populace and ignorance of their rights Lack of integrity training in the society An inherited culture, custom and tradition
Access to political power is access to financial privileges/opportunities Offer of financial privileges/opportunities in exchange for political status and support Many politicians owe their careers and status to corruption Few genuinely take a stand against it, for fear of upsetting their careers and status Vested interest groups prevail – political parties, major developers, big enterprises, etc Political instability
Addressing the Legislative Council on October 17, 1973, the Governor, Sir Murray Mclehose, said To combat corruption, good laws and good organization are essential, but I put my trust principally in the services of sound men.