Delegation of Greece
General Assembly I: Disarmament and International Security Committee- 2 Delegates Topic I: Maritime Piracy Topic II: The Effect of Bilateral Agreements on the NPT Topic III: The Privatization of War
General Assembly II: Economic and Financial Committee- 2 Delegates Topic I: Foreign Currency Valuation Reform Topic II: Special Funding for Emergency Disaster Response Topic III: Revenue Sharing for Energy Extraction in International Waters
General Assembly III: Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee- 2 Delegates Topic I: The Promotion and Usage of Contraceptives Topic II: The Humanitarian Situation in Haiti Topic III: Sovereignty and Sharia Law
General Assembly VI: Legal- 2 Delegates Topic 1: Legality of Terrorist Activity Topic II: International Regulation of Drug Trafficking Topic III: Refining the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice
World Health Organization- 1 Delegate Topic I: The Role of Government, Non- Governmental Organizations, and the Private Sector in the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases Topic II: Climate Change and Public Health Topic III: Genetics, Cloning, and Ethics involved
NATO- 1 Delegate Topic I: NATO Enlargement Topic II: The Serbian-Kosovo Dispute Topic III: Russia/ NATO Relations
Important Links UGA Model UN site- BBC News- Reuters- International Herald Tribune- CIA World Factbook- factbook/geos/gr.html factbook/geos/gr.html