New Monkland Primary School February 2011 Newsletter Dear Parents/ Guardians, To date we have had a 63% return of the ‘Internet Questionnaire’ sent out. Please send your return to school if you have not done so already. Of the returns,98% of families have indicated that their child has access to a computer and the internet at home. Computer related tasks for homework can be both motivational and valuable learning experiences for many children. In line with our homework policy, when a computer / internet based homework task is set and a child does not have access to a computer at home, he / she will be given“either access to the internet during school hours or an alternative method of completing / presenting his / her work.” At New Monkland Primary we have, over the last few years, extensively upgraded our ICT equipment. All classes have their own smartboard and laptops and all have their own flip camera and music system. We continue to keep abreast of new technologies and importantly, in a digital age, continue to update and develop our own practice to meet the needs of our learners. Some of our classes have started blogging. Blogs “... provide a powerful and flexible tool for collaborative learning which can be used to support the delivery of Curriculum for Excellence.~Glow blogs offer a tool to allow for increased communication between pupil, teacher and home... they can enhance learning in a variety of ways and Glow Blogs offer a safe and secure environment for schools, pupils and practitioners.” Learning & Teaching Scotland. Learning and Teaching Scotland (LTS) is the principal curriculum body for Scotland, supporting the delivery of Curriculum for Excellence, Assessment, Community and Lifelong learning and the innovative use of Glow and other learning technologies. Visit LTS at: To date, Room 1 and 2 (Primary 1), Room 3 (Primary 2/3) and Room 7 (Primary 7) have been blogging via the school website. Please visit these class pages on the school website. The children value comments made. Message from the Head Teacher
School Events: February ‘11 3rd February ‘11Primaries 5, 6 & 7 Bible Exhibition - Plains Evangelical Church. 3rd February ‘11Primary 4 Country Dance Festival at St. Margaret’s High School. 4th February ‘11Rag Bag Textile Bank emptied. 9th February ‘11Parent Council Meeting at 7.00pm. All Welcome 11th February ‘11 Inservice Day 14th & 15th February ’11Holiday 16th February ‘11Inservice Day 22nd February ‘11Primary 1 and Primary 7 Dental Inspections 28th February toFairtrade Week 4th March ‘11Travelling Book Company in School - Book Fayre School Clubs ClubStageTimeStaff Member(s) MondayRotaKidsP pm to 1.00pmMrs Shanks MondayZoomaerobicsP pm to 3.45pmMrs Reid & Mrs Miller TuesdayFootballP73.00pm to 4.00pmMr Brown WednesdayChoirP pm to 12.55pmMiss Magowan WednesdayBadmintonP43.00pm to 4.00pmMr Watters WednesdayFairtradeP pm to 12.55pmMrs Hornal & Mrs Horner ThursdayNetballP pm to 4.00pmMrs Horner & Mrs McKennan ThursdayPupil CouncilP pm to 12.55pmMrs Hanson FridayTop ActivityP5 & 63.00pm to 3.45pmMr Watters FridayEco ClubP pm to 12.55pmMr Brown We offer a range of clubs both during the school day and after school. Our after school clubs run 5 days a week. Our clubs for February are as follows: