Using Audit to Improve Clinical Practice Mandy Murphy General Manager Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Occupational Health Service 17th June 2015
Word Association Cup Facebook Wine Audit
Monitoring Teamwork Meeting Audi TT Complete Cycle Evaluate Checklist Change zzzzzzzz Organised Dull Check Evaluate Cycle Help Improvement Requirement Hair loss Repetitious Monotonous What does Audit mean to you?
A.A. Milne (1926)
The Audit Cycle
Audit Planning – ‘What’
Audit Planning – ‘Who’ “No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it – we must learn to see the world anew” Albert Einstein
Data Collection and Analysis – ‘How’ Asking the right question Using the right tool Sampling Timescales
Presentation and feedback from colleagues/team Action Plan Celebrate the good stuff ! ●Poster presentation in Trust The Findings
What have we learned? HWDU back painBetter documentation, encouraging to stay at work, enquiring about impact of work HWDU depression screeningMore screening for depression, suicide, alcohol, GSTT PGDSignificant improvement in all domains, developed competency programme (annual exam) GSTT EPPOne list, clarifying the roles GSTT record keepingSignificant improvement in electronic records MoHaWKBenchmarking and tracking performance, record keeping
Why Audit
Does Audit improve clinical practice?What How Why
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