Scale of the challenge: thirty in every hundred children are living in poverty National average More than 7,000 families and over 14,500 children are income poor
Scale of the challenge: poverty and work 2,560 1,110 9,305 1,655 Almost 4 in 5 children living in out of work poverty in Salford are from lone parent households Almost 3,000 Salford children live in working poverty
Snapshot of the costs of poverty The average cost per Looked After Child across all placements is £774 per week. *A child supported in their family per average week is £157 Cost to NHS re Teenage pregnancy £63 million per year *Local authority foster care for children £676 per week Cost of Social Worker contact £58 (30 minute) *Incredible years parenting programme (12 parents per group) - £1559 Above figures are estimates from the Think Family Toolkit (2009) and * University of Kent, Unit Cost of Health and Social Care Benefit payments to a teenage mother, unemployed during 3yrs following birth of child is £19K - £25k School Exclusion - £63,851 lifetime Truancy £44,468/lifetime Cost of taking a child into care £36,653 Parentin g Order £781
Transforming our approach to working with families… Taking a ‘lifecycle’ approach – everybody’s business Joining up support at neighbourhood and family level Prevention and early intervention Working with employers Major focus on skills Joint investment between agencies Taking a strategic approach to financial inclusion
Joining up our approach to family poverty and life chances… Joint support systems Joint investment model Joint delivery model Family approach
‘As is’ response with families: confusing, expensive, ineffective (Nov 2009 to Oct 2010)
There is a big ‘win – win’ here – improving lives, reducing costs
Delivering the strategy - the need to go further and faster than before… Examples of some of the work already underway… SPOTlight on ‘adult skills’ Early Intervention and Prevention Team Future Jobs in Salford Employer recruitment offer Align funding to improve life chances and break cycle of poverty Evidence based early intervention Asset based community development SPOTlight on welfare and debt advice services Tackling fuel poverty Some real changes in the way we work together…