Quiz-Time: The British Empire
1.How big was the British Empire at its height in the ninenteenth century? largest Empire in the world covered a quarter of the world‘s surface
2. How did Britain come to rule so much territory? wealthy nation strong army and navy defeated other European countries and indigenous people technological advances (railroads, telegraph, etc.)
3. What were Britain’s motives? trade (e.g.: East India Trading Company) economics (gaining wealth) politics (to be more powerful than other European countries) religion (spread Christianity) adventure and curiosity
4. What changes did the Empire bring about? liberal colonies were given medical care, transport systems and education aim of self-rule treated indigenous peoples like children who needed to be educated discrimination and prejudice
5. Why did the Empire decline? loss of wealth and prestige in World Wars I+II British rebuilt their own country rather than others members of the Empire officially ruled themselves or became independent (not always peacefully!)
6. What is the Empire’s legacy? formation of the Commonwealth former colonies still have links with Britain former colonies are based on British law, military and civil systems