OPEN HOUSE Hartselle High Shannon Hopkins August 26, 2014 WELCOME!
RULES Be in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings. Bring all supplies to class every day; take them with you when you leave. No food or drinks in the classroom, except water. Be respectful – time, property, & others. Follow all rules in the Code of Conduct Handbook.
GRADING POLICY for Pre AP Algebra 2/Trig Grades will be based on tests, announced quizzes & pop-quizzes, class assignments, homework. Major Tests will count 80%, Classwork/Homework 20%. The number of grades will vary each nine- weeks grading period.
GRADING POLICY for Algebra with Finance Grades will be based on tests, announced quizzes & pop-quizzes, class assignments, projects, homework. Major Tests will count 55%, Classwork/Homework ( Attempt only ) 45%. The number of grades will vary each nine- weeks grading period.
Classwork and Homework Complete in Pencil. Problems including diagrams copied. ALL steps shown. (SHOW WORK!!!) Answers checked and corrected the next day in class. Paper labeled with Name, Page #, and Problem #s and Period. Assignments turned in ON-TIME.
Exams Each student will take a comprehensive exam in December at the end of the 2 nd 9-weeks. The grade for this exam is counted within the 2 nd 9-week grade. It will count as 2 test grades. It can not be exempted. Comprehensive final exams will be given in May. This teacher-made exam will constitute 20% of the course grade (same as a 9-week period). Students may exempt this exam.
Contact Information I will use the REMIND program for announcements/reminders to students & parents about upcoming Tests and school activities. You must join my class to get the messages. Info about joining is on my webpage under Announcements. I do need to contact parents occasionally. works best for me. Please make sure I have your current address(es). Students and Parents BOTH need access to Inow (our grade program). Make sure you have the login/password for your account. You can get these in guidance.
CONTACT INFORMATION You may contact me at the school by phone at You may contact me by at Please contact me with any questions or concerns. As a common courtesy, if there is a problem, I would like a chance to talk with you before you contact an administrator.
EXTRA HELP! I am usually available before school around 7:35 for extra help. Students just need to ask if I’m available on a given day.
Academic Honesty Students should do their own work. They shouldn’t copy other student’s work. They shouldn’t allow someone to copy theirs. Students should keep their eyes on their own paper. Students should have all materials stored in their backpacks zipped up. I don’t allow ANY communication during a test. No talking, whispering, no notes, no cellphone use, no non-verbal signals or “mouthing” across the room. If a student is caught doing any of the above, they will receive a ZERO on the assignment and will be reported to the office.
Supply Wish List Tissues White Copy Paper Color Copy Paper Germ-X Clorox/Lysol Disinfecting wipes Paper Towels Printer Cartridges – HP61 or 61XL Black and/or Color
Algebra II is the math course needed to be considered College and Career Ready! Freshman Year Sophomore Year Junior Year Senior Year Math Progression for 4 years of High School Path 2 – Standard Diploma College or Career Ready Solid Box is the Preferred Path! Striped Box is dropping down a level Dotted Box is moving back up a level Algebra I Geometry Algebra II/ Trig AP StatisticsPre-Calculus Pre-AP Geometry Pre-AP Algebra II/Trig Pre-AP Pre-Calculus or AP Statistics Technical Geometry Algebraic Connections Algebra II Algebra with Finance
Freshman Year Sophomore Year Junior Year Senior Year Algebra IA Algebra IB Algebra II Technical Geometry Algebra with Finance Math Progression for 4 years of High School Path 1 – Standard Diploma Junior College, Technical College or Career Ready
Math Progression for 4 years of High School Path 3 – Honors Diploma College or Career Ready Freshman Year Sophomore Year Junior Year Senior Year Pre-AP Geometry Pre-AP Algebra II/Trig Pre-AP Pre-Calculus AP StatisticsAP Calculus AP Statistics Students can take both Pre-AP Pre-Cal. & AP Stats. their Junior Year or both AP Calculus & AP Statistics their Senior Year. Algebraic Connections Algebra II/ Trig AP StatisticsPre-Calculus * Solid Box is the Preferred Path! * Striped Box is dropping down a level
Thank you for coming! Shannon Hopkins Pre AP Algebra 2/Trigonometry and Algebra with Finance and Algebra with Finance