 All students with a “Yes” on the Home Language Survey are required to be assessed in order to determine if they are an English Language Learner or Proficient.


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Presentation transcript:

 All students with a “Yes” on the Home Language Survey are required to be assessed in order to determine if they are an English Language Learner or Proficient in English.  Kindergarten students are assessed using M-DCOLPS-R  Grades one through twelve are assessed using the CELLA Online.

 Level 1 indicates a beginner’s language proficiency level.  Level 2 indicates a low intermediate language proficiency level.  Level 3 indicates an intermediate language proficiency level.  Level 4 indicates a high intermediate language proficiency level. Level 5 indicates proficiency in English.  Student is not an ELL (LEP N).

CELLA measures the growth of students classified as English Language Learners (ELLs) in mastering the English skills they will need to succeed in school. CELLA provides evidence of program accountability in accordance with Title I and Title III of NCLB*. AMAOs – Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives *No Child Left Behind


If you encounter any problems, please contact your assigned district supervisor.

 Transfer of students between teachers within a school (school and district administrator)  Transfer of students between schools (district administrators)  Performance categories  Mis-scored tests

 Go to orwww.awschooltest.com  Go to the Division of Bilingual Education and World Languages website: asp asp  Then click on CELLA Online link

 For the purposes of the CELLA Online system, all CELLA test administrators that you will add are considered “teachers.”

 Add a Teacher Form will display. Enter:  Teacher’s name  Username  Password  .  M-DCPS requires:  Lowercase initials “md” followed by the teacher’s employee number (e.g., md123456).

 Create any password that you want for the teacher; do NOT use your password or the teacher’s employee number  Follow the same steps for any additional teacher.

 Review DFA prior to assessment  Review Training Audios for scoring Speaking Section  Do not assign the same test to more than 50 students at any one time  Enter student oral and pointing responses into AWSchoolTest system [Teacher Scored Items]  Check test name on the Student Welcome page to ensure correct test is assigned

 Log in  Check test name on the welcome page  Follow directions  Answer all the questions he/she can

 North Region:  Deland Innocent  Central Region:  Cary M. Pérez  South Region:  Lourdes M. Menendez