“Respect Teach Learn Succeed” Teacher(s): Time: The Course Organizer Student: Course Dates: This Course: Course Questions: is about Evans Pd 3/4 Personal Fitness Engaging students in classroom and lab activities to assess and improve individual fitness levels, establish habits of a wellness lifestyle and develop a personal fitness program based on principles of health related fitness. 1.What personal benefits are gained by physical fitness? 2.What things should be considered when beginning a fitness program? 3.What are guidelines for dressing properly and selecting proper shoes for activity in normal and rare environments? 4.What are the five health related fitness components and how is each measured? 5.How do health related and skill related components differ? 6.What principles of training help you to monitor your physical activity and help you achieve your goals? 7.How do the environment, availability of facilities, and cost enter into when you are selecting activities for your personal fitness plan? 8.What are the steps needed in designing a personal fitness plan? 9.Why does proper nutrition matter when setting up your personal fitness plan? What? How? FORMATIVE (30%) 1.Participation Daily 20pts (per day total 100% each week for nine weeks) 2.Wikispace Discussion Weekly 3.Journal Reflections Weekly SUMMATIVE (70%) 1.Fitness Testing 2x (pre/post) 2.Concept Tests Weekly 3.Strength Charts Weekly 4.Cardiovascular Charts Weekly 5.Pedometer Charts Weekly 6.Personal Fitness Plan End of Course Course Weekly Breakdown: Monday’s- Circuit Day/Waking Day Tuesday’s- Classroom/Media Center Wednesday’s- Activity Day Thursday’s- Weight Room Friday’s- Activity Day Online Learning: Wikispace Student’s will be asked to join the instructor’s wikispaces and participate in discussion among class members on current health and fitness topics related to personal fitness. Free Mobile Apps to Download for use in PE: -Nike + app -QR scanner app -Instant Heart Rate app
Week 9: Present Personal Plans & Post Test to show growth Class Principles: Personal Fitness Plan Course Map This Course: includes Performance Options Student: Critical Concepts Learned in these Units/Weekly Themes Personal Fitness Teamwork Respect for others Tolerance for diversity Choice Attention Tenacity Choices on activities Computer Access Structured Folder Individual goals based on fitness levels Present Personal Plan Options Students within this course will be asked to develop a personal fitness plan that outlines specific details in ten different categories. Students will be asked to take current levels of fitness, set goals, apply principles of training, set motivational strategies to following plan, develop a nutrition plan to help with goals, and list benefits of following their individualized plan. -FIT Principle - Muscular Strength -Overload - Flexibility -Progression - Skill related fitness -Specificity - Goal setting -Aerobic Endurance - Healthy fitness zone -Body Composition - Target Heart Rate -Muscular Endurance Health Related Fitness vs. Skill Related Fitness? How do we assess them? Goal Setting; Thinking about change and getting ready for exercise Principles of Training Application; How to get the most out of your workouts? Personal Fitness Plan in Action; Putting the Puzzle pieces together