GQ: What were the distinguishing characteristics of the 13 colonies? begin to answethe GQ. keyword- New Englando note at least 3 bullet points.
Massachusetts is 2 nd English colony established (after Virginia) Pilgrims, heading for Virginia, land here instead begin to answethe GQ. Try to note at least 3 bullet points.
Massachusetts is 2 nd English colony established (after Virginia) Pilgrims, heading for Virginia, land here 10 years later, more Puritans arrive theocracy = Church is the government begin to answethe GQ. Try to note at least 3 bullet points.
New Hampshire is established soon after, and begins to attract those unhappy with strict Puritan rule begin to answethe GQ. Try to note at least 3 bullet points.
New Hampshire is established soon after, and begins to attract those unhappy with strict Puritan rule Rhode Island founded specifically for religious freedom Haven for pirates begin to answethe GQ. Try to note at least 3 bullet points.
New Hampshire is established soon after, and begins to attract those unhappy with strict Puritan rule Rhode Island founded specifically for religious freedom Not very nice to the natives Big player in the slave trade
Connecticut is founded for a more representative government Their “Fundamental Orders” is the first written Constitution begin to answethe GQ. Try to note at least 3 bullet points.
GQ: What were the distinguishing characteristics of the 13 colonie keyword- Middle Coloniesbullet points.
New Amsterdam (Dutch colony) founded around same time as Massachusetts Taken over by English in 1664, renamed New York Run by an English noble, who gave the south part away to some friends (New Jersey)
New Amsterdam (Dutch colony) founded around same time as Massachusetts Taken over by English in 1664, renamed New York New Jersey attracts a large Quaker population Big on farming & ironworks
Pennsylvania founded by a Quaker Advertised religious freedom around Europe
BUT…these are not the place for Jacob Berkeley because they were places with connections to the Dutch West India Company!! BOTH THESE AREAS ONCE BELONGED TO THE DUTCH
keyword- Southern Colonies o note at least 3
Virginia was the first English colony, estd. at Jamestown, 1607 Originally a business venture, but soon attracts many Puritans
Maryland founded by an English noble as a Catholic refuge (but open to all) When king takes more interest in Virginia, declaring it Anglican, Puritans move to Maryland
Tobacco is a cash crop, grown primarily in Virginia and North Carolina cash crop = something grown to make money, not to eat
Indigo (used as a dye) is another cash crop, grown primarily in South Carolina and Georgia
Carolina was a royal colony, so --like at home in England– Anglican was the official religion In North Carolina, the Anglican Church grew very slowly, allowing others like the Quakers to become established there
Carolina was a royal colony, so --like at home in England– Anglican was the official religion South Carolina’s charter* promised religious freedom, but everyone was taxed to support the Anglican Church *charter = official paper saying king grants this land to the colonists
Used on plantations, especially in Virginia and the Carolinas Receive free passage to new world in exchange for 5-7 years hard labor; at end, receive small plot of land First Africans in colonies were indentured servants Led to start of slavery Indentured Servants
Georgia was the last colony founded Was supposed to be for imprisoned debtors but not many came
Founder wanted a colony with -small farms -no slavery -religious freedom -harmony with Native Americans
It didn’t work! Georgia eventually became a place with big plantations and slavery, just like the Carolinas and Virginia