Improving Literacy Skills across Learning CIDREE Conference Budapest 5 November 2015 Viola Bozsik
Introduction to the Yearbook 1.Articles of the yearbook (Netherlands, Estonia, Hungary, Sweden, Slovenia, Scotland, France, Finland, ELINET, Ireland) 2.Common elements 1. RESPONSIBILITY 2. AWARENESS 3. REFLECTIVITY 4. FLEXIBILITY 5. COMPLEXITY
Improving Literacy Skills across Learning 1.Leeuw, B. & Meestringa, Th.: Using Genre to Improve Consistency across the Literacy Curriculum in Dutch Secondary Education 2.Kängsepp, P.: Using Questions to Support Reading with Understanding among Estonian Students 3.Varga, K., Kojanitz, L., Dobszay, A. & Wintsche, G.: Textbooks in a Knowledge-based Society 4.Parmenius Swärd, S.: Upper Secondary Students’ Encounter with Writing Instructions while Writing Essays at the National Test in the Subject of Swedish 5.Nolimal, F. & Potočnik, N.: Empowering Learners through Improving Reading Literacy and Access to Knowledge – the Slovenian Story
Improving Literacy Skills across Learning 6.Byrne, M.: Improving Literacy – the Responsibility of All Teachers 7.Chabanne, J-C.: Arts and Literacy: The Specific Contribution of Art to the Development of Multiliteracy 8.Halinen, I., Harmanen, M. & Mattila, P.: Making Sense of Complexity of the World Today: Why Finland is Introducing Multiliteracy in Teaching and Learning 9.Garbe, Ch.: Building Content Area Literacy-Expertise among European Teachers of Secondary Schools. 10.Irwin, J.: „Reading the World” – Freire, Lyotard and a Critique of Literacy Education under the Postmodern Condition
RESPONSIBILTY 1.Literacy as the responsibility of teachers of all subjects, throughout secondary school as well 2.Students as responsible agents of their own learning: - active role in their learning - personalised learning processes
AWARENESS 1.Teaching academic language awareness of the language of a specific school subject (technical terms) language of instructions 2.Knowing genres and their characteristics
REFLECTIVITY 1.Formative assessment 2.Continuous reflection on the use of certain strategies and methods
FLEXIBILITY Adapting to the needs of teachers and students: 1. Correcting textbooks (Hungary) 2. Improving the structure of a teacher CPD course Re-evaluating blended learning Redesigning a lesson planning framework,(BaCuLit and ISIT) Improving methods/plans (Slovenia)
COMPLEXITY 1.Literacy —› multiliteracy 1.understand information in text/audio/visual/ digital form 2.critically evaluate it 3.creatively produce new information 4.communicate effectively 5.traditional literacy 6.cultural literacy 2.Interdisciplinary modules and projects
Thank you for your attention!