By: Cyan Jackson My favorite things
My favorite animal My favorite animal is a dog I only had 2 dog s in life. I think dogs are playful and cute.
My favorite color My favorite color is pink I love the color pink so does my aunt Pink is a color that just shows who I am im sassy and bubbly
My favorite cartoon characters My favorite cartoon characters is Minnie Mouse & Tinker Bell. I had Minnie Mouse sine I was a baby. I like Tinker Bell because she just cute.
My favorite foods My favorite foods is chicken & cookie. I like chicken ever since I was little. Cookie are is just good with out being cooked.
My favorite ride in Kenny Wood My favorite ride is the Jack Rabbit. I like the way it is fast and it jumps off the track.
My favorite football team My favorite football team is the Pittsburgh Steelers. I love the Steelers because im from Pittsburgh and they are the best.
My favorite candy My favorite candy would be chocolate covered raisins & cookie dough. I like cookie dough when I go to the movies and the same with chocolate covered raisins.
My favorite birthday