The Power of the future. By Sandy and Isabel  Wind power is a form of kinetic energy, or energy made by moving something.  The wind spins the blades,


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Presentation transcript:

The Power of the future. By Sandy and Isabel

 Wind power is a form of kinetic energy, or energy made by moving something.  The wind spins the blades, which turns gears, and gives power to the generator.

 Small turbines can cost 3,000-40,000 dollars.  Big turbines can cost over 2 MILLION!  That is a lot of $10 bills!

 There are some problems in terms of impact.  Birds have been found dead at the base of turbines.  Some people find them very noisy and unattractive to look at.  Places with clear views of the ocean are places where people don’t want turbines, because they block their view.

 Wind energy is used for powering up homes, offices, and other buildings.  Wind farms can power up multiple buildings, possible a while neighborhood.  You can buy single turbines just to power your house!

 Wind energy is from a renewable and infinite recourse, so this will not hurt the environment at all.  Wind energy is not so expensive at the moment if you wanted to have a little energy from the turbines.  If people were to build turbines almost all over the place, we would have more than 100 times more electricity than we need now, and all the electricity we need in 2030!

 Wind energy is mostly used in Europe, because the people there have built lots of wind turbines. Also, there are some windy climates in Europe, and there are wind turbines built there.  In the U.S., Texas has increased wind energy the most, so Texas will use very little fossil fuels!

It turns out it is possible for people to only rely on wind, solar, and geothermal energy. This is very important, because it would minimize the use of running out and environmentally unfriendly fossil fuels. Allowing just a little bit of your energy come from wind, you help the environment a lot.