Validated Self Evaluation of Alcohol and Drug Partnerships Evidencing Implementation: The Quality Principles – Care Inspectorate/The Scottish Government National ADP Coordinators Event 12 November 2015
Project Background Alcohol & Drug Partnerships (ADPs) are responsible for developing local strategies for tackling and reducing problem alcohol and drug use and in planning and commissioning services to deliver improved core and local outcomes. They also have a key role in delivering the national drugs strategy for Scotland; ‘The Road to Recovery’ and Scotland’s national alcohol framework; ‘Changing Scotland’s Relationship with Alcohol: A Framework for Action’. In 2009 the joint ‘Framework for Alcohol and Drug Partnerships' ensured all thirty ADPs across Scotland had clear and effective partnership- based strategies in place for delivering action on alcohol and drugs at a local level and focused activity on the identification, pursuit and achievement of agreed, shared outcomes.
Project Background - continued As part of this reform the Scottish Government developed an Outcomes Toolkit for Alcohol and Drugs Partnerships (2009) to assist ADPs to identify local priority outcomes relating to alcohol and drugs. The Scottish Government’s Drug and Alcohol Quality Improvement Framework is now the focus of the next phase of delivery of the national drug and alcohol strategies, ‘Road to Recovery’ and ‘Changing Scotland’s Relationship with Alcohol’ The Quality Principles also contribute to efforts to address the recommendations of the recent independent expert review’s report on opioid replacement therapies, ‘Delivering Recovery’.
The Project Brief The Care Inspectorate will undertake a joint programme of work on behalf of the Scottish Government to support the validation of ADPs and services’ self-assessment of performance and progress in implementing the Quality Principles. The programme will provide an evidence-informed assessment of local implementation, measurement and quality assurance of ADP and service adherence to the Quality Principles.
To find out the extent to which: ADPs are engaged in purposeful self-evaluation of quality in services, informed by the Quality Principles. ADPs and alcohol and drug services are implementing and embedding the Quality Principles at a strategic and service level to support and drive a culture of self-evaluation. ADPs are using evidence from validated self-evaluation of the Quality Principles to drive continuous improvement at a local level. Project Purpose
Project Outcomes To support and build capacity among ADPs for robust and systematic self-evaluation in relation to the Quality Principles within the Quality Improvement Framework. To strengthen a culture of continuous improvement and quality assurance of performance (using the Quality Principles within the Quality Improvement Framework). The national findings from this programme will be reviewed by the Scottish Government to inform a national plan that will continue to support the delivery of ADP service improvements.
Project Deliverables The Care Inspectorate will provide: The Scottish Government Drugs Policy Unit and Alcohol Team with a national report on findings (which will be anonymised) obtained from engaging with ADPs and their associated services. A short, individualised summary briefing to each ADP with strengths and recommendations for improvement, clearly identified for their own use in improvement work only. Each ADP will be encouraged to develop their own action plan to take forward identified local improvements..
Project Benefits Increase in the capacity and readiness of ADPs to self-evaluate performance using the Quality Improvement Framework and Quality Principles to lead to continuous improvement; Provide a national picture of key strengths, good practice and areas for improvement to inform the Scottish Government of on-going improvement of outcome-based approaches to improving the quality of alcohol and drug services; The provision of a consistent and sustainable benchmark methodology against which ADP’s can continue to measure the improvements that they make; Purposeful self-evaluation, informed by the Quality Principles will improve the experience and quality of services that people receive.
Methodology Promotes the Scottish Government’s improvement methodology; Is person-centred and recovery-oriented; Focuses on the impact of a person’s journey from access to a service leading on to assessment, recovery planning and review; Supports improvement through self-evaluation.
Key Features Developed a framework of quality indicators to evaluating drug and alcohol services based on the Model of Excellence of European Foundation Quality Management (EFQM); Focuses on how well partners and staff across services are working together to deliver high quality person-centred prevention, treatment, recovery and support services that improves the lives of individuals; Emphasis on demonstrating how well drug and alcohol services are implementing and embedding the Quality Principles.
Team composition Sharon Robertson, Project Lead, Care Inspectorate Mike Harkin, Depute Lead, Care Inspectorate Maureen Johnston, Team member, Care Inspectorate Associate Assessors – who have knowledge and practice experience in alcohol and drugs services. We will seek nominations from ADPs to contribute to the validated self-evaluation and improvement project. Local file readers from alcohol and drugs services.
Engagement Phase Position Statement has been designed around the new Quality Indicator Framework and incorporates the eight Quality Principles. The purpose of ADPs completing the Position Statement is to provide a self assessment of performance and progress made to implementing and embedding the Quality Principles in local delivery. Service User Survey used to gather the views & experiences from people accessing services. Staff Survey used to gather the views and experiences of staff across services to embedding the Quality Principles in practice.
On Site: Case file reading(1day) We will validate your practice through reading a sample of case records that we will ask you to identify. We will focus on the quality indicators relating to delivery of key processes and impact across the Quality Principles. Reading case records will provide some findings about your quality assurance processes, staff supervision and your commissioning arrangements. Involve local staff in reviewing case records along with Care Inspectorate team and Associate Assessors.
Site Visits: Validated self- evaluation with ADPs (1 day) Activity will be proportionate and focused on areas for clarification, potential strengths and improvements identified from submitted Position Statement. This will include speaking to a range of stakeholders: Interview with ADP Chair and Coordinator ADP stakeholder meeting with staff Established service users and carers reference groups; and Validating good practice.
Reporting We will provide: The Scottish Government Drugs Policy Unit and Alcohol Team with a national report on the extent to which the Quality Principles have been embedded (which will be anonymised) obtained from engaging with ADPs and their associated services. Each ADP will receive: A short, individualised summary briefing with strengths and recommendations for improvement, clearly identified for your own use in improvement work.
Supporting improvement National Report Individualised summary briefing/feedback to ADPs Quantitative results from case file reading Quantitative results from service user and staff survey Each ADP will be encouraged to develop their own action plan to take forward identified local improvements Support from the ADP National Support Team
Facilitated Table Discussion What progress has been made to embed The Quality Principles in local delivery? What are the challenges to this? How would your ADP like to engage with the planned Care Inspectorate work? What preparation is needed?