Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP Here is an example of some of the comic strips by primary 6/7
Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP Comic Strip By Brian P7
Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP Don`t buy alcohol for people under age.
Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP Somebody better hurry up and come to buy us drink. Just wait 2 minutes
Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP There`s somebody coming. That’s brilliant! Here can you buy us something to drink? What do you want?Anything…
Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP This could be you.
Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP Comic Strip by Jamie P7
Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP “ Okay I’m away to pick up John from the airport.” “ You just had three beers you can’t drive”. “I will be fine don’t worry”. “ John mate over here”. “ Hey Paul, eh have you been drinking”. “ I have had three beers that’s all”.
Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP “ So how was your holiday it was great, we had an indoor swimming pool we had people bringing our dinner up to us and Paul your over the speed limit Paul slow down you are going to crash. PAUL”……..
Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP And Then
Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP
Comic Strip by Tony P7
Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP Don’t drink if you are under 18!
Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP Have you seen someone to get us drink wait just now!
Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP There is someone ask him!
Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP This can be any of you!
Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP
I’m just having one drink what could go wrong? There is no harm in one more drink! I want my real Dad back! Now he can drink no more!
Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP
By my self again Here comes Zak The friends were happy to see each other… Later on that night, they tried to steal some beer… And they were caught and put in jail.
Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP
All characters based on Kieren-Kieren Owen Dot-Scott Campbell Adam-Adam Rooney Cammy-Cameron Owen Drew-Andrew Nelson Steven-you don’t want to know!
Wellhouse Primary in cooperation with GEAAP