Lexenstar By : Reba Jo
Symbol of Lexenstar Sun Moon and Star symbols represents the family in the universe, the Sun is the Father figure, the Moon is the Mother figure and the Stars are the children.
The motto of Lexenstar Every house where love abides and friend is a guest, is surely home, and home, sweet home, for there the heart can rest... "Home is where you hang your memories. Home is where love, respect end understanding abound Family is the only thing you start with and the only thing you leave with. The family is the school of duties... founded on love. Felix Adler
Laws of Lexenstar 1. If you commit murder you get the death penalty, unless in self defense. 2. If you steal you get your hands whipped, both sides. 3. If you rape someone you get beat. 4. If you harm a child sexually you get the death penalty. 5. If you beat a child you get beat even worse.
Laws continued 6. If your caught drunk driving you get your car and license taken away. 7. No under age drinking.( You have to be 21 or older to drink.)