Mathematics is about number, space, shape. Look carefully. Be prepared to describe what you saw.


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Presentation transcript:

Mathematics is about number, space, shape. Look carefully. Be prepared to describe what you saw.

2014 Slides courtesy of Thinking 101 All rights

Jot down notes on what you saw. Notes can include diagrams, numbers, words

Turn your notes over, you cannot see them while you look again. Decide if you want to change anything... Add anything. Look again

2014 Slides courtesy of Thinking 101 All rights

Add to your notes, discuss with a partner. Compare. Did they see things you did not? Do you agree? Do not add to your notes unless you agree

Turn your notes over, you cannot see them while you look again. Decide if you want to change anything... Add anything. Look again. Remember math is about NUMBER, SPACE, SHAPE.

2014 Slides courtesy of Thinking 101 All rights

Last few minutes to add to your notes and thoughts.

Class discussion: This is not a competition. I will show the picture as we discuss what you noticed, described, jotted down. Create a word list on the board or on chart paper. Prompts include: did you see and think about shapes, about quantity, how many of certain things, if the picture set up to emphasize number certain ways, Do you see collections or small groups

What do we mean by math is about space? How things are arranged, angles, orientations, gaps, spaces upside down, beside, over, under, to the right, to the left. Transformations as in are things identical size and shape just turned (rotated), moved to the right, left, up, down (translated or slid), or flipped (reflected) so this is a mirror image or that is this shape but they flipped it upside down and slid it.

Take the words and put them on a spreadsheet. Tomorrow give students a copy of the words. Match, Sort, Classify and Compare (Kindergarten, Grade 1: Read and show word, students find their copy, match to where in picture, word sorts look for specific letters, this word ends in t, this word beings with N) Grade 2 and up sort and classify the words... Shape, space, number are the math sorts. I will post my results later tonight... You can see how I use this task.