COORDINATOR Kick-off meeting/ Bucharest/ Project: FIRST STEP TO FIRST JOB – Innovative methods leading YOUTH to a solid career VS/2012/0017
Project goal: improvement of the first transition from education to labour market for young persons by promoting good practices exchange and generating new approaches at European level for youth insertion. Kick-off meeting/ Bucharest/
Specific objectives: stimulate the debate between different stakeholders on innovative methods for youth transition to labour market, particularly the innovative approach of "simulated enterprises"; disseminate the concept of "simulated enterprise" as innovative tool for preparing the students in accumulating practical skills for their future professional career; drafting recommendations for decision-makers in order to develop adequate employment and social policies to ensure a smooth transition from school to job.
PARTNERSHIP AND ADDED VALUE Kick-off meeting/ Bucharest/
The project partnership consists of » research institutes (INCSMPS from RO and CEPEPS from PT), » a public authority (MMFPSPV from RO), » universities (UPG and UVT from RO), » consultancy firms (from AT, RO, IT, ES) with a solid background in labour market field. Kick-off meeting/ Bucharest/
Added value » Develop / implement efficient and innovative solutions and a strong knowledge base on this subject » Achieve greater impact by combined effort » Establish common product - Study + expert network + e-platform » Raised each partner’s profile / improve skills » information/knowledge disseminated Kick-off meeting/ Bucharest/
TARGET GROUPS Kick-off meeting/ Bucharest/
Target groups decision makers and policy implementers from Education and Labour Ministries, public employment services, tertiary education institutions, social partners; NGO's, proffesional bodies and business associations from all the partners’ country of origin. Kick-off meeting/ Bucharest/
Expected results/products: P1. Cooperation Procedure P2. Interim report P3. Final Report P4. Visual identity adopted P5. Newsletters designed, produced and disseminated P6. 1 roll-up P7. Booklets on the concept of simulated enterprise designed and produced P8. E-platform and project website in use P9. International experts’ network established P10. Workshops implemented in all partners’ country P11. Study visit organized in Ro and AT P12. Reports of Evaluation Questionnaires P13. Study on the impact of innovative methods on the youth insertion and mobility on the labour market at European level drafted and disseminated Kick-off meeting/ Bucharest/
TIMELINE, MILESTONE AND BUDGET Kick-off meeting/ Bucharest/
ActivitydurationResponsible Project management 7 months (from January till July) Coordinator Information campaign 6 months (from January till June) LMS-Ro Networking on innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market 3 months (from February till April) Coordinator + All partners Study on impact of innovative measures on the youth insertion and mobility on the labour market at European level 5 months (from February till June) INCSMPS Kick-off meeting/ Bucharest/ Timeline
ActivityMilestoneResponsible Project management 1.Kickoff meeting 2.Interim report 3.Final report Coordinator Information campaign 1.Preparation and design 2.Campaign Implementation 2 Newsletters 1 roll-up 400 booklets e-platform website international network of stakeholders LMS-Ro Networking on innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market 1.5 workshops (Romania, Italia, Spain, Portugal, Austria) 2.2 study-visit (Romania, Austria) Coordinator + All partners Study on impact of innovative measures on the youth insertion and mobility on the labour market at European level 1.Methodological approach 2.Draft study for each partner based on topics 3.Study drafting and validation 4.Dissemination to key stakeholders and European key actors INCSMPS Kick-off meeting/ Bucharest/ Milestone
TOTAL BUDGET euro EU GRANT euro CONTRIBUTUON euro TOTAL Human resources Travel, accommodation subsistence Cost of services, audit, financial cost, hire of rooms owerheads Budget Kick-off meeting/ Bucharest/