Mary Rose Mary Rose, also known as ‘Henry VIII's Warship’. King Henry’s finest warship of all. Suddenly, the ship started to rock. Then quickly sank. The ship sank into the muddy surface and stayed there for over 430 years. In 1982 archaeologists had a big metal piece and lifted the Mary Rose from the seabed. There they have found such as peas, plums and clothes… That tells us a lot of how they dressed and ate. But why did the Mary Rose sink? The scientist said that it was carrying big guns called cannons and that must have tipped her over.
The Essex The mysterious tale of the shipwrecked Essex in the 1800’s it’s as famous as today the Titanic. 20th November 1820, the Essex sailed out hunting for whales in the Pacific Ocean. Suddenly, a 30 metre long sperm whale appeared from the darkness. It hit the ship twice with it’s enormous forehead and the ship quickly sank. Twenty men escaped in three small boats. After three months , they got so hungry that they did something terrible. Owen Coffin was shot and then- eaten!! The story of the Essex was retold by Herman Melville in his story Moby Dick. It’s about whale called Moby Dick who bit off Captain Ahab’s leg. He knew about a real whale who killed about 30 men called Mocha Dick..
Ocean Landscapes Long, long ago many ships were wrecked and they might be still there wit gold and treasure. There is even lost and ruined cities laying on the seabed too. Today divers have the latest equipment for discovering something underwater. They have found coins, cannons and the remains of bodies. Drawing Underwater is important if you want to discover something. First you need to draw a site map before going deeply inside. You can draw with a wax crayon or a pencil, you need to write on plastic ‘paper’! Lifting Objects Heavy objects such as guns, cannons can be lifted by air bags and that would float to the surface when let go. These air bags can lift rocks and sidement from the site.
The MEGALODON Do you know what a Megalodon is? This shark 1.6 million years ago. Although now it extinct, it’s life is still interesting. Diet and tooth The Megalodon’s diet mostly consisted to be whales. It eat’s 2 percent of it’s body weight. It can easily swallow a Great White Shark in whole!
Megalodons’ life A normal sized Megalodon is about 40 feet or more. It is probably two or three times bigger than a Great White Shark! Scientists can only guess because they have only found it’s tooth.