Recipe Adjusting
Parts of a recipe: n 1. Ingredients 2. Measurements & pre-prep 3. cooking method (oven or stove, grill, no bake) 4. directions 5. cooking temperatures & times
Recipes n Ingredients are listed in the order in which they are used. n They are usually measured by volume- in CUPS, Table or teaspoons n Yield- amount of servings/items it produces
Adjusting Recipes n Sometimes it is necessary to change the amount of food produced by a recipe (yield) n Most likely you will be either reducing the amount of ingredients in 1/2 n or doubling the amount of ingredients
Examples n Recipe yields 1 doz (12) cupcakes, you are baking for 24 people. You have to gather or buy DOUBLE the amount of ingredients to make 24 cupcakes. n Casserole recipe yields servings for 10 people. You only have 4 dinner guests. You must reduce or divide the amount of ingredients to make a smaller casserole.
Equivalencies n 1 Cup is 8 ounces, abbreviated “C” n There are 16 TABLESPOONS in a Cup, abbreviated “T” or “Tbsp” n There are 3 teaspoons in 1 Tablespoon, abbreviated “t” or “tsp” n It’s REALLY important you pay attention which T/t is listed!
Measuring Equipment n Efficiency is very important in measuring- time & accuracy –don’t use Tbsp 16 x, use 1C (once) n DRY measuring equipment available: –1C, 3/4C, 1/2C, 1/3C, 1/4C ONLY –there is NO 1/8 cup! (not standard) –1T, 1tsp, 1/2tsp, 1/4tsp
Efficiency & equipment n 4 TBSP should be measured with a 1/4C n 1/8 CUP is not standard. It should be measured as 2 Tbsp n 1/2Tbsp = 1tsp + 1/2 tsp
1/3 n 1/3 Cup = 5 Tbsp + 1 tsp n MEMORIZE… –half of 1/3 C= 2 Tbsp + 2 tsp
Double (multiply by 2/1) n Multiply the amount by 2/1 n 1/2 C x 2/1= 2/2 simplify = 1 n 1/4 C x 2/1= 2/4 simplify (divide top into the bottom number = 1/2 n 1/3 C x 2/1= 2/3 C
Double (add top numbers) n Double the amount by adding the same amount: original 1/2 C, add 1/2 C= n Add ONLY the top numbers 1/2 +1/2= 2/2 then simplify 2/2= 1 C n 1/3 C + 1/3 C= 2/3C n 1/4 C + 1/4 C= 2/4 simplify 1/2 C
Half n To half an amount, MULTIPLY it by 1/2 n 1/2 C x 1/2 = 1/4 C n 1/4 C x 1/2 = 1/8 C measure it as 2 T n 2/3 C x 1/2 = 2/6 C simplify= 1/3C n Difficult to use with 3/4 C: break it down n 3/4= 1/2 + 1/4 can multiply both amounts n see above = 1/4 C + 2 Tbsp
Common adjustments HalfOriginalDouble ¼ C½ C1 C 2 T¼ C½ C 2T + 2t1/3 C2/3 C 1/3 C2/3 C1C + 1/3C 1/4C + 2T¾ C1C + ½ C
Cooking Equivalents n 1 dash= less than 1/8 tsp n 2 Tbsp = 1 oz n 8 oz = 1 Cup n 1 pint (pt.) = 2 C n 2 pts = 1 quart (qt) n 1 qt = 4 C n 4 qt = 1 gallon n 1 pound (lb.) = 16 oz
Volume equivalencies G QQQQ PpPppPpp CCCCCcCCcCCCCCCC oo oo TT TT TT TT
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