Powered by Course Release Banking and Financial Compensation Monday, September 28, 2015
Powered by Date Created: Monday, September 28, (Incl. Academic Administrators) Total Responses: Response Rate: ~24%
Powered by Q1: How would you like to address faculty compensation for EIA courses? Answered: 119 Skipped: 0
Powered by Q2: What is your preferred method for prescribing the process for EIA courses: Answered: 119 Skipped: 0
Powered by Q3: Are there courses other than the ones listed in this survey that generate FTE or are required for graduation for graduate or undergraduate students that you believe should be added to the list of EIA courses? Answered: 119 Skipped: 0
Powered by Q4: Which practice is currently followed in your unit? Answered: 119 Skipped: 0
Powered by Q5: Have you ever served as a major advisor / directed a Dissertation, Doctoral Project, Masters Thesis, or Graduate Project? Answered: 119 Skipped: 0
Powered by Q6: Are you a graduate faculty member approved by the Dean of the Graduate School? Answered: 119 Skipped: 0
Powered by Q7: What is your college affiliation? Answered: 119 Skipped: 0 48% within college response rate (not including undisclosed data) 31% 21% 19% 62%
Powered by Q8: (Optional) According to existing departmental/college-level policies/practices, how many EIA courses you need to teach (of each type) in order to get a course release? Answered: 36 Skipped: 83 NOTE: While Q4 allowed us to collect data on faculty awareness about existing policies, this question (Q8) was included to collect data on policy clarity and interpretation. Note that UFF plans to compile a list of and obtain actual copies of existing policies. RESULTS SUMMARY - Only 16 out of 119 responders provided numerical answers in at least one category. Dissertations: 4 Respondents reported that 3, 5, 6, or 15 completed dissertations earned a course release Doctoral Projects: 2 Respondents reported that 4 or 10 completed doctoral projects earned a course release Masters Theses: 15 Respondents reported that 7 (1 respondent), 5 (3 respondents), 3 (9 respondents), 4 (1 respondent), or 2 (1 respondent) completed Masters Theses earned a course release Graduate Projects: 3 Respondents reported that 15, 10, or 6 completed Graduate Projects earned a course release. Honors Theses: 5 Respondents reported that 15, 7.5, 7, 6, or 3 completed Honors Theses earned a course release.
Powered by Q9 (Optional) What do you think is a fair reimbursement for EIA courses? Please specify financial reimbursement and/or course release banking units as applicable. Answered: 57 Skipped: 62 RESULTS SUMMARY Variation between individual department/units in term of teaching efforts per type of course (e.g. some units require students to produce a final paper and presentation for each graduate project, while other departments require only a presentation) Some faculty instructional activities are not currently included into existing banking policies (e.g. DIS courses, community- based courses, capstone courses, grading and question writing for qualifying examinations, etc.) Some activities are not recorded, i.e. are not offered through specific courses (not included in the catalog or the schedule of courses) and do not appear in any other departmental records Two-thirds of the specific responses were in favor of financial compensation commensurate with faculty salary or the equivalent of overload, adjunct pay, or AA Summer Grants. One third of the specific responses supported the idea of small compensation (< $2,000 and below per course release) UFF's POSITION ON THIS EIA courses have an immense impact on the quality of our programs and the successful and timely graduation of our students EIA course outcomes have a direct effect on UNF’s performance in terms of the specific metrics used by the Florida legislature for the purposes of budget allocation Reimbursement for EIA efforts should not be linked to or limited by the amount of student tuition paid as a similar rationale applies when salaries of administrators (who do not teach and do not produce student FTE’s directly) are not directly computed as a portion of student tuition
Powered by Q10: (Optional) Feel free to provide any other related feedback here. Answered: 30 Skipped: 89 RESULTS SUMMARY General dissatisfaction with the lack of incentives for faculty to engage in EIA activities Multiple faculty members suggested that banking units should never expire, since efforts that we already put into those should not be discarded (previously earned such units should be grandfathered in) Multiple faculty members expressed concerns about the monitoring and verification of accumulated banking units