1 Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing IIR digital filter structures Filter design
2 Basic IIR Digital Filter Structure An N-th order IIR digital transfer function is characterised by 2N+1 unique coefficients, and in general, requires 2N+1 multipliers and 2N two input adders for implementation Direct form IIR filter: Filter structures in which the multiplier coefficients are precisely the coefficients of the transfer function Consider, a 3 rd order IIR filter with transfer function We can implement H(z) as a cascade where
3 Basic IIR Digital Filter Structure The filter section H 1 (z) can be seen to be an FIR filter and can be realised: Time domain representation of H 2 (z) is given by
4 Direct Form IIR Digital Filter Structure Cascade of the two structures leads to H(z) and is known as direct form I structure It is noncanonic as it uses 6 delays to realise 3 rd order transfer function Its transpose (direct form I t )
5 Direct Form IIR Digital Filter Structure Various other noncanonic direct form structures can be derived by simple block diagram manipulations Observe in the direct form structure (on the right), signal variables in nodes 1 and 1’ are the same, so the two top delays can be shared Likewise, the middle and bottom two delays can be shared We get direct form II and its transpose (direct form II t ) is also shown Now, it is canonic
6 Cascade form IIR Digital Filter Structure By expressing the numerator and the denominator polynomials of the transfer function as a product of polynomials of lower degree, a digital filter can be realised as a cascade of low-order filter sections Consider, for example, H(z)=P(z)/D(z) expressed as Examples of cascade realisations obtained by different pole-zero pairings Examples of cascade realisations obtained by different ordering of sections
7 Cascade form IIR Digital Filter Structure There are altogether a total of 36 different cascade realisations of H(z) based on pole-zero pairings and orderings Due to finite wordlength effects, each such realisation behaves differently Usually, the polynomials are factored into a product of 1 st order and 2 nd order polynomials: For a first order,
8 Consider an example: The direct form II and cascade realisations are Cascade form IIR Digital Filter Structure How? Hint: try to remember a general form for direct form II and then reuse it!
9 Parallel Form IIR Digital Filter Structures A partial-fraction expansion of the transfer function in z -1 leads to the parallel form I structure Assuming simple poles, the transfer function H(z) can be expressed as In the above for a real pole, A direct partial fraction expansion of the transfer function in z leads to the parallel form II structure In the above for a real pole, We’ll see some examples……….
10 A partial fraction expansion of in z -1 yields Parallel Form IIR Digital Filter Structures Parallel form I
11 A partial fraction expansion of in z yields Parallel Form IIR Digital Filter Structures Parallel form II
FIR filter design We have briefly explored the design of FIR filters in Lecture 5 We’ll look at it again here using MATLAB We’ll use the window method to design FIR filters 12
13 Ideal filter and impulse response An ideal LPFIts impulse What is the problem – we can’t have infinite coefficient length So, we need to truncate 13 Inverse DFT Similar to
14 Let us use a rectangular window We can see that the shape of the LPF has changed This is know as Gibbs phenomenon – oscillatory behaviour in the magnitude responses caused by truncating the ideal impulse response function (i.e. the rectangular window has an abrupt transition to zero) Gibbs phenomenon can be reduced by Using a window that tapers smoothly at each end Providing a smooth transition from passband to stopband in the magnitude specifications 14 Ideal filter and impulse response DFT
15 Filter length The filter length (i.e. order) affects the magnitude response Length increase, number of ripples in both passband and stopband increases but with a corresponding decrease in the ripple widths That is as N increase, it gets closer to the ideal LPF But height of largest ripples remain the same independent of length Similar oscillatory behaviour could be observed in the magnitude responses of the truncated versions of other types of ideal filters 15 Infinite N N=25 N=13
16 Common window functions Some common window functions Low pass filter frequency response N=51 and Magnitude response of window functions with M=25
17 FIR filter design Step 1 - Specify the ideal or required frequency response, H D (w) Step 2 - Obtain impulse response, h D (n) of the desired filter by evaluating the inverse Fourier transform Important note: we’ll look at h D (n) for standard filter designs in the next slide Step 3 - Select a window function and then the number of filter coefficients Step 4 - Obtain values of w(n) for the chosen window function and the values of the actual FIR coefficients, h(n), by multiplying h D (n) with w(n) h(n)=h D (n) w(n)
FIR filter design (Steps 1 and 2) 18 We can make use of available h D (n)
19 FIR filter design (step 3) – window? First problem in step 3 - which window function? The ratio of the main lobe/side lobe can be used Example, the frequency response of Hamming and Blackman windows Main lobe centred at ω=0 Other ripples are called side lobes
FIR filter design (step 3) – window? To ensure a fast transition from passband to stopband, window should have a very small main lobe width To reduce the passband and stopband ripple , the area under the sidelobes should be small so to increase the stopband attenuation, we need to decrease the sidelobe amplitude Most of the time, these two requirements are contradictory Example: LPF with length=51 and cut-off at /2 20
21 FIR filter design (step 3) – length? Second problem in step 3 – number of filter coefficients? To obtain good (i.e. sharper) transition band reduce main lobe width increase the filter length But increased filter length means increased computational complexity Eg: Frequency response of Hamming window with length 101 and 201 are shown below 21
FIR filter design (step 3) – length? Using the same window as in the previous slide LPF with Hamming window, with normalised cut-off=0.3 22
23 To select the ‘suitable’ order i.e. the length The lowest order that can meet the requirements There are several methods: Kaiser, Bellanger, Hermann Kaiser’s formula: Actual location of transition band is immaterial Bellanger’s formula: Hermann’s formula is more complex so we will not consider here (but generally it gives slightly more accurate value for the order) 23 FIR filter design (step 3) – order selection
24 Example – Kaiser’s formula Estimate the order of a linear-phase lowpass FIR filter with the following specifications: passband edge F p =1.8 kHz, stopband edge F s =2 kHz, peak passband ripple p =0.1 dB, minimum stopband attenuation s =35 dB and sampling rate F T =12 kHz. Get the peak ripple values: p =0.0115, s = Using the Kaiser’s formula: which gives Since N must be an integer, we round up the value to give N=99 As the order is odd, a Type 2 FIR filter can be designed. To design a Type 1 FIR filter, N should be increased to 100 In Matlab, you can use kaiserord function but it only gives an approximation Normally, you should check to see if the filter specifications are met, if not change N 24
25 Another example A requirement exists for an FIR digital filter to meet the following specifications: Passband: Hz Transition width: 50 Hz Passband ripple: 0.1 dB Stopband attenuation: 60 dB Sampling frequency: 1 kHz Obtain the filter coefficients Solution - The peak ripple values are p =0.0115, s =0.001 Using Kaiser’s formula: which give N= So, we could take N=50 (type 1, odd length) Note that the passband information is not used to obtain N, so it will be the same even if we shift the passband or even if we use it for highpass, stopband etc If the transition bands are not same then we use the smaller transition band bigger transition band requires smaller N, so the smaller transition band requires a higher order and is more important for the order selection
A common mistake Example: Obtain the FIR coefficients for a highpass filter with Fc=600 Hz with FT=2000 Hz Assume we start with N=100 Use the known impulse response for HPF Problem The phase is completely non-linear The magnitude response is not good 26
27 To obtain linear phase response Coefficients must be symmetry/antisymmetry So say, change N=201 Linear phase response achieved But there are still ripples (Gibbs phenomenon) A common mistake – solution 1
28 Let us use a window, say Hamming Less ripple in the magnitude response (in the passband) Why is the cut-off frequency in the plot at 0.6 rad/sample? We used 0.3 to obtain the impulse response function, right? A common mistake – solution 2
Taking the example further 29 Let us actually use the filter after designing it! It could be improved – using higher N and improved window such as Kaiser window
Using MATLAB fir1 function 30 Using MATLAB, filter coefficients can easily obtained using fir1 function! Hamming window is used by default For the same input x in the previous slide, let us design a bandpass filter to extract only the component at 650 Hz
Improved FIR filter design 31 The windows such as Hanning, Hamming etc are known as fixed window designs as the ripple values are fixed) FIR filter design can also be improved using adjustable window functions such as Dolph-Chebyshev and Kaiser that provide control over by means of an additional parameter characterising the window The basis of FIR filter design is to obtain the set of minimal number of coefficients for the required response So, computer based optimisation methods have been invented Parks-McClellan algorithm can be used to obtain the FIR coefficients (in MATLAB, we can design this filter using ‘remez’ function) Normally, improved design over the standard window based method Known as computer based FIR filter design The only other FIR design method is frequency sampling method But knowledge of the window based method is sufficient for this course Note: Kaiser order and Kaiser window are two different matters, though we normally use them together
32 IIR filter design 32 The most common approach to IIR filter design: Convert the digital filter specifications into an analogue prototype low-pass filter specifications Determine the analogue low-pass filter transfer function, H a (s) Transform H a (s) in the desired digital transfer function G(z) The most widely used transformation is the bilinear transformation that maps the imaginary axis in the s-plane (j) onto the unit circle of the z- plane So, relation between G(z) and H a (s) However, this design requires some knowledge of analogue low-pass filters and also s-plane and therefore, we will skip this method and straightaway utilise IIR filter design using MATLAB
33 IIR filter design using MATLAB 33 We have done IIR filter design using MATLAB in Lecture 5 There are several classical IIR filters Butterworth, Chebyshev Types I and II, Elliptic MATLAB functions butter – Butterworth filter with flat passband (no ripples) ellip – Elliptic filter with ripples (but normally requiring lower order than Butterworth for same transition band) cheby1 - Chebyshev filter controlling peak-to-peak ripple in the passband cheby2 - Chebyshev filter controlling the amount of stopband ripple First step is to estimate the order of the filter given the specifications – using functions: buttord, cheb1ord, cheb2ord, ellipord etc Next, obtain the coefficients, B and A using functions: buttord, besself, cheby1, cheby2, ellip, etc Finally, do the filtering using filtfilt function The frequency response of the filter can be obtained using function freqz(B,A)
34 IIR filter design using MATLAB -example Design an elliptic IIR low-pass filter with the specifications: F p =0.8 kHz, F s =1 kHz, F T =4 kHz, p =0.5 dB, s =40 dB MATLAB code: [N,Wn]=ellipord(0.4,0.5,0.5,40) [B,A]=ellip(N,0.5,40,Wn)
35 IIR filter design using MATLAB -example To filter a signal, use filtfilt function