ROV Remote Operated Vehicle
Welcome to ROV Over the next few weeks you will build and design a remote operated vehicle (ROV) Over the next few weeks you will build and design a remote operated vehicle (ROV) You will work in teams of 4-5 for the duration of the project You will work in teams of 4-5 for the duration of the project All team members will have equal sharing in designing, building, reporting and evaluating your ROV All team members will have equal sharing in designing, building, reporting and evaluating your ROV
What to Accomplish in Groups? Before we begin building your ROV, you will need to lay the groundwork for your team, especially seeing as you will be with them for the next few weeks. Before we begin building your ROV, you will need to lay the groundwork for your team, especially seeing as you will be with them for the next few weeks. Your Task for today: Your Task for today: 1. Create a team name 2. Create a team logo, mascot and slogan (School appropriate) 3. Develop/Write a backstory for your team (Where are you from? Why are you interesting in this project? Any other fun information!!!!) 4. Answer the following research questions.
Research Questions What is meant by the term “control system”. What is meant by the term “control system”. Find a picture of an underwater ROV. Find a picture of an underwater ROV. List all components of a remote operated vehicle. List all components of a remote operated vehicle. What was the first underwater ROV and what was it designed for? Where was it designed and by whom? What was the first underwater ROV and what was it designed for? Where was it designed and by whom? List 5 current uses of a remote operated vehicle. List 5 current uses of a remote operated vehicle. Find 2 real life ROV and provide details on a specific mission that they have accomplished. Find 2 real life ROV and provide details on a specific mission that they have accomplished. How does a ballast system work? How does a ballast system work? What is neutral buoyancy and how might it be important to this project? What is neutral buoyancy and how might it be important to this project? Who was Bob Ballard and William Beebe? Who was Bob Ballard and William Beebe? What is a hydrothermal vent and why are they important? What is a black smoker? What is a hydrothermal vent and why are they important? What is a black smoker? How can one change the propulsion in the thrusters? How can one change the propulsion in the thrusters?
Groups Katie, Jessica, Adam, Max, Shari Katie, Jessica, Adam, Max, Shari Richard, Robyne, John, Josh Richard, Robyne, John, Josh Matt, Joey, Riley J, Billy, Coleman Matt, Joey, Riley J, Billy, Coleman Jacob, Cameron, Riley M, Nick, Andrew B Jacob, Cameron, Riley M, Nick, Andrew B Liam, Kaleigh, Victor, Anderson, James Liam, Kaleigh, Victor, Anderson, James Tyler, JD, Taylor, Keaton Tyler, JD, Taylor, Keaton