ALOHA Cabled Observatory Will use components from the earlier ALOHA- MARS Mooring project at APL-UW Seafloor secondary node Bottom instrument package with science isntrument interface module (SIIM) and sensors (CTDO2, BB2F) Cables and connectors Underwater video camera
ALOHA-MARS Mooring Implemented only on short scale – 30 m high in Puget Sound For ACO – use seafloor secondary node and bottom instrument package And cables Bottom instrument package Secondary node
Seafloor bottom instrument package Here set up to goat base of mooring, on mooring line
AMM Secondary seafloor node Test tank at MBARI Orange is syntactic foam to make near neutrally buoyant to facilitate ROV moving it on seafloor 5 ROV-mate Receptacle cables
AMM Secondary node and SIIM Without syntactic foam (simple deployment Puget Sound Bottom instrument package/SIIM hard connected behind
Bottom instrument package SIIM (left) 2 CTDO 2 1 BB2f fluorometer/backscatt er (black unit) Syntactic foam to get near neutral buoyancy Green Falmut cable connecting to secondary node
Science Instrument Interface Module (SIIM) 8 channels for sensors Industrial ethernet One ROV plug cable Titanium pressure case 6000 m
Electro-optical (EO) converters For seafloor cable, 1.5 km here (black) Converts electrical Ethernet to optical for long run, and back Runs off 48 V from local node Has a ROV-mate plug cable at each end