Susie Hall~1 st Grade Teacher Matt Arthur Elementary Houston County
Just for enjoyment
HOT ?s: Higher Order Thinking
Teacher’s College: Reading and Writing Project (RW info at end of presentation)
Books From a Series
How can we improve the quality of reading in our classrooms?
The FACE of a Reader
Fluency Accuracy Comprehension Expanded Vocabulary
Word Decoding Strategies RW Tub Bookmarks
breaks/happy breaks/happy
How can we increase the rigor in reading?
Reading Logs
Student Completed Logs
BOOK HOOK PLANNING What is the purpose for your book hook? What is your goal or objective? (Note any specific linkages to standards) Given the purpose and learning objective, what book or books will you use? What is a portion of the book that will best introduce the book, meet the purpose, and facilitate progress toward the learning objective? What question or questions will you ask before, during, or after reading? How will this book hook connect to other book hooks within the same week and/or to expectations for responding to conferences and written questions? Copy available
Book Hook Shelf
How can we raise our expectations?
Reading Partners and Book Clubs
Acting Out Book Read with Book Club
Projects Book Report Boxes
Research Tri-boards
Celebrations Fridays~Guest Readers Poetry Café
Book Character Dress UP Day
How do we “assess” our success? Choosing to Read!
Extra RW Information