Deanery Population 90,0000 Deanery Sunday Attendance 1,500 (1.6% of population) Deanery Population who claim to be Christian 69,000 (81% of population)
Heywood & Middleton Deanery – Redeployment of Clergy
The bottom line is….. The number of stipendiary clergy in this deanery will reduce from 12 to 9. a 25% reduction
Heywood & Middleton Deanery – Redeployment of Clergy The fact is…… 9 stipendiary clergy cannot resource the deanery in the same way that 12 can.
Heywood & Middleton Deanery – Redeployment of Clergy This means…… The way we do “church” in this deanery will have to change.
Heywood & Middleton Deanery – Redeployment of Clergy But how ? The deanery pastoral committee felt there were two different ways to go
Heywood & Middleton Deanery – Redeployment of Clergy 1. A traditional route 2. A more visionary route
Heywood & Middleton Deanery – Redeployment of Clergy 1. A traditional route Close church buildings Create more teams Amalgamate congregations
Heywood & Middleton Deanery – Redeployment of Clergy Administratively neat Pros………Cons…… Angry and hurting people Numerical loss Burnt out clergy Mission & Evangelism not overtly encouraged 1. A traditional route ?
Heywood & Middleton Deanery – Redeployment of Clergy Administratively neat Pros……… Cons…… Angry and hurting people Numerical loss Burnt out clergy Mission & Evangelism not overtly encouraged X
Heywood & Middleton Deanery – Redeployment of Clergy 2. A more visionary route a collaborative team of 9 clergy that will serve the whole deanery.
Heywood & Middleton Deanery – Redeployment of Clergy 16 local expressions of church that are resourced by the clergy team but not clergy dependant. 2. A more visionary route
Heywood & Middleton Deanery – Redeployment of Clergy Can / how do congregations take more responsibility for …… the planning and development of WORSHIP? the MISSION & EVANGELISM within their local context? the CARE & NURTURE of their own congregation and local communities? the maintenance and development of church plant and the necessary ADMINISTRATIVE WORK of the parish? raising home grown LEADERS, be they ordained, licensed or locally released, to be involved in all of the above?
Three possibilities ……. Heywood & Middleton Deanery – Redeployment of Clergy Carry on as we are Scale down what we already have Seek God for a new way of being his Church
Heywood & Middleton Deanery – Redeployment of Clergy 1.10 minutes of questions 2.30 minutes sharing in groups. Your responses to the 5 questions we have suggested need answering by each congregation and all that you’ve heard tonight minutes of feed back 4.Final Notices
Can / how do congregations take more responsibility for …… the planning and development of WORSHIP? the MISSION & EVANGELISM within their local context? the CARE & NURTURE of their own congregation and local communities? the maintenance and development of church plant and the necessary ADMINISTRATIVE WORK of the parish? raising home grown LEADERS, be they ordained, licensed or locally released, to be involved in all of the above?
Heywood & Middleton Deanery – Redeployment of Clergy What next? 1.Begin to share with your PCC, DCC and congregations 2.Make sure your congregation is represented on the newly formed Deanery Pastoral Committee