Timescale The nominal dates for SM approvals for EPS are June 30 and July 7 for the Plenary meetings, with availability of a draft supporting note to the.


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Presentation transcript:

Timescale The nominal dates for SM approvals for EPS are June 30 and July 7 for the Plenary meetings, with availability of a draft supporting note to the convenors and EdBoard on June 24 and July 1, and a distributable supporting note by June 27 and July 4. Of course the second set of dates has no margin for error given the "everything for EPS must be distributed to ATLAS by July 9" cut-off date of Physics Coordination. CDF like plots Discussion Pierluigi, Chiara1

Introduction & information Need to modify: electron isolation cut is: pT leakage + nPV pileup corrected calorimeter Isolation: el_Etcone30_corrected < 4 GeV New momentum smearing: MuonMomentumCorrections nPixHoles+nSCTHoles < 3 Muon trigger: mu18_MG || mu40_MSonly_barrel – to be defined if applied also to data Other pending issues: Treatment of the LAr hole: next slides For this plots stay with METLocHadTopo as we have now CDF like plots Discussion Pierluigi, Chiara2

Lar Hole Electrons: For what concerns the electron there is an official prescription: ealing_with_LAr_hardware_proble on this twiki page: you can find how the WW leptonic analysis treat the problem using checkOQ.C. ealing_with_LAr_hardware_proble Systematics: ystematics_due_to_checkOQ_usage ystematics_due_to_checkOQ_usage CDF like plots Discussion Pierluigi, Chiara3

LAr Hole Jets: veto events if there is a jet with pT>30 GeV falling at a distance smaller than DR=0.1 from the hole. Since the jet response is different between data and mc we are using a different to data and mc: MC: pt > 30 GeV Data: pt> 30*(1-BCH_CORR_JET)/(1-BCH_CORR_CELL)GeV Sytematics: assessed moving by 10-20% the threshold and redoing the analysis and see if data/mc agreement changes. MET: The above cuts should be enough to cure also MET, but this should be verified with our analysis (plot of MET-phi) CDF like plots Discussion Pierluigi, Chiara4

Analysis Steps Which D3PD ? I would stay with what we have. It is not compulsory to move to p591. GRL for 1fb**01: DetStatus-v18-pro08-04 period B-H1. It has been decided to drop period B. QCD estimate: for muons the anti-D0 selection For electrons anti-ele selection Which cutflow: Only the standard one The standard one + the one without Njet=2 constraint. The jets candidates for the W decay products are the two leading jets. Cutflow checks: I would use a >D period to check also the Lar cutflow: – 4.3 pb**-1 QCD W+2Jets CDF like plots Discussion Pierluigi, Chiara5

Analysis steps Systematics: JES+MultiJet+pile-up; JER lepton id eff e pt Lar hole Which plots: mjj, pT-j1, pT-j2, MET, Njet, NPV, DijetpT, yj1, yj2, TransverseMass mjj with systematics for all plots distribution and data/mc ratio with Njet=2 and without ? Which binning – sigmaMw ~ 12 GeV – bin 5 GeV ? Previous plot 10 GeV Which format for the bump-hunter tool assumption for the width of the signal ? Which color code for the plot – follow the previous note color code for the mjj plot ? CDF like plots Discussion Pierluigi, Chiara6

Other SVN Repository requested: svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasgrp/Physics/StandardModel/WZPhysic s/Analyses/W2JetsDocumentation2011/ Next meeting ? (I will be away on Monday) On we have the meeting with the EB CDF like plots Discussion Pierluigi, Chiara7

Previous documents Conf-Note: ATLAS-COM-CONF Supporting Document: ATL-COM-PHYS svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasgrp/Physics/StandardModel/WZPhysic s/Analyses/W2JetsDocumentation/ Physics/Analyses/W2JetsDocumentation/ CDF like plots Discussion Pierluigi, Chiara8

Collaborate with the exotic group to have CDF bump analysis replicated with 1fb*-1. Aiming at CONF note ready for EPS. How: 1 - Produce the mjj in electron and muon channel with CDF cutflow for jets: Only 2 jets (I guess above pT>30 GeV)& without constraint pT-jet1, pTjet2 >30 GeV Dijet-pT > 40 GeV |DeltaEta-jet-jet |< 2.5 DeltaPhi(Jet1,MET) > 0.4 Produce also the plot without the Njet=2 contraint 2 - Assess systematics from: JES, Jet p.u., MultiJet, JER, lepton id efficiency and pt, luminosity. 3 – hand the plot to the exotic group that will run their bump hunter. Contact for exotic: Frederic Ruehr, today at our meeting. Pippa Wells will help us with the note editing. We need to prduce an internal note. Very tight time-scale – note should be ready at latest on July 8 th. EdBoard: L.Di Ciaccio, P.De Joung, W.Scott Collaborate with the exotic group to have CDF bump analysis replicated with 1fb*-1. Aiming at CONF note ready for EPS. How: 1 - Produce the mjj in electron and muon channel with CDF cutflow for jets: Only 2 jets (I guess above pT>30 GeV)& without constraint pT-jet1, pTjet2 >30 GeV Dijet-pT > 40 GeV |DeltaEta-jet-jet |< 2.5 DeltaPhi(Jet1,MET) > 0.4 Produce also the plot without the Njet=2 contraint 2 - Assess systematics from: JES, Jet p.u., MultiJet, JER, lepton id efficiency and pt, luminosity. 3 – hand the plot to the exotic group that will run their bump hunter. Contact for exotic: Frederic Ruehr, today at our meeting. Pippa Wells will help us with the note editing. We need to prduce an internal note. Very tight time-scale – note should be ready at latest on July 8 th. EdBoard: L.Di Ciaccio, P.De Joung, W.Scott CDF like plots Discussion Pierluigi, Chiara9