ST-MAC: Spatial-Temporal MAC Scheduling for Underwater Sensor Networks Chih-Cheng Hsu, Kuang-Fu Lai, Cheng-Fu Chou, Kate Ching-Ju Lin IEEE INFOCOM 2009
Outline Introduction Related Work ST-MAC Framework Performance Evaluation Conclusion
Introduction Similar to terrestrial sensors, energy efficiency is critical considerations in UWSNs unlike terrestrial sensor utilize acoustic waves propagation is slower than RF In UWSNs, must consider the locations of the receiver and potential interferers “ Spatial-Temporal Uncertainty ”
Spatial-Temporal Uncertainty
TDMA-based MAC protocols To utilize time slots efficiently, the vertex coloring scheme is used for scheduling Propose a novel heuristic algorithm, called Traffic-based + One-Step Trial Approach (TOTA) Model the scheduling problem as a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model
ST-MAC Framework Most of underwater sensors are deployed to get data of interest periodically Each node can estimate signal-to-noise-ratio determining interference relationships measuring the propagation delay ST-MAC is to compute the schedule each sensor nodes knows when to switch to sleeping mode
ST-GG Construction Base station can acquire the routing topology G(V,E), V is a set of sensors E denotes a set of transmission links Define PD(v i, v j ) as the propagation delay between node v i and v j
Spatial-Temporal Conflict Graph Spatial-Temporal Conflict Graph (ST-CG), a directed graph G(V,E) V = E and E is the set of conflict relationships between any two transmissions Conflict relation Conflict(u → v), exists if transmission of link u affects reception of link v
Example of Conflict
Two Links With Common Node Case 1.1: u.dst = v.dst Case 1.2: u.src = v.src Case 1.3: u.src = v.dst
Two Links Without Common Nodes
Case 2.1: ONLY one of INTER(u, v) and INTER(v, u) is TRUE c c,d = −3 Case 2.2: both INTER(u, v) and INTER(v, u) are TRUE conflict delays c b,c = −4 and c c,b = −2
Traffic-based One-step Trial Approach S M Real M Test
Traffic-based One-step Trial Approach M Real M Test S
Theoretical Analysis Propose mixed Integer Linear Programming model solve the new type of the vertex-coloring problem in ST-CG optimally as a benchmark to quantitatively evaluate the performance of existing heuristic methods
Propagation Delay Constraint Modified equations by using the Big-M method binary variable used to transform disjunction
Inter-frame Constraint Transmission of link j in next frame must not conflict with the reception of link I Transmission of link i in the next frame must not conflict with the reception of link j
Minimize Problem
Performance Evaluation All simulations are implemented in NS2 Two different scales the small topology case: nodes the large-topology case: nodes
Small Central-Sink Topology
Large Central-Sink Topology
Large Cluster-Sink Topology
Energy Cost
Unknown Traffic Scenarios
Conclusion Proposes a TDMA-based scheduling to solve Spatial-Temporal Uncertainty in UWSNs Construct ST-CG that includes the propagation delay information present TOTA, to solve more effectively Derive a MILP formulation solving the optimal solution of the vertex- coloring problem in ST-CG graph