2009 Florida Academy of Sciences at Saint Leo University, Saint Leo, Florida Performance comparison of the triple gas electron multiplier (GEM) and the drift tube muon detectors used for muon tomography. J. Locke, K. Gnanvo, R. Hoch, M. Hohlmann, D. Mitra. Florida Institute of Technology Department of Physics and Space Sciences 150 West University Boulevard Melbourne, Florida 32901
Muon Tomography
Drift Tube vs. Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Detectors
Objective Compare the performances of drift tube and GEM detectors used for muon tomography.
Computer Simulation Tools Geant4 –C++ based utility developed by the high energy physics community. –Used to create geometry of scenarios and simulate particulate propagation through matter. CRY –Cosmic RaY muon production software. –Used to produce muons with momenta reflecting observed natural momenta distributions. POCA –Point Of Closest Approach. –Used to calculate interaction points inside detectors, where muons are likely to have scattered.
Scenario Tested Bottom ViewRear View Targets (5) Engine Detectors Targets (5) Engine Battery Scenario exposed to cosmic ray muons for 10 minutes.
Performance: Resolution Drift Tubes GEMs
Performance: Distinguishing Materials U Pb Fe Al W Drift Tubes GEMs U Pb Fe Al W
Performance: Muon Coverage Drift Tubes GEMs
Conclusion GEM detectors are capable of higher resolution 3D reconstruction of scenarios than comparable drift tube detectors. GEM detectors are better capable of distinguishing between materials of similar densities than comparable drift tube detectors. GEM detectors are capable of higher coverage of muon activity within detector systems than comparable drift tube detectors.
Future Objectives for Muon Tomography at Florida Tech Simulate different detector arrangements (i.e. a trapezoidal prism, instead of a box) to determine more efficient arrangements. Gather statistical data for scattering angles of different materials. Replace the POCA algorithm with EM or another more accurate reconstruction algorithm.
2009 Florida Academy of Sciences at Saint Leo University, Saint Leo, Florida Performance comparison of the triple gas electron multiplier (GEM) and the drift tube muon detectors used for muon tomography. J. Locke, K. Gnanvo, R. Hoch, M. Hohlmann, D. Mitra. Florida Institute of Technology Department of Physics and Space Sciences 150 West University Boulevard Melbourne, Florida 32901