1 Contractor for the USGS at the EROS Data Center NHD Plus as a geospatial framework for drought indicators Jim Verdin
2 Contractor for the USGS at the EROS Data Center Digital Watershed NHDPlus NOAA ASOS USGS NWIS Streamflow A Digital Watershed connects geospatial and temporal water resources data NRCS Snotel
3 Contractor for the USGS at the EROS Data Center NHDPlus An integrated suite of application-ready, geospatial, surface water data products A national scale integration of National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) 1:100,000 National Elevation Dataset (NED) 30 meter resolution Watershed Boundaries Dataset (WBD) 1:24,000
4 Contractor for the USGS at the EROS Data Center National Hydrography Dataset Medium resolution (1:100,000) NHD used in NHDPlus development
5 Contractor for the USGS at the EROS Data Center National Elevation Dataset Used snapshot of 1-arcsecond (30 m) NED
6 Contractor for the USGS at the EROS Data Center Watershed Boundary Dataset datasets/watershed/
7 Contractor for the USGS at the EROS Data Center NHDPlus – What’s Inside? NHD Feature Classes & Tables Greatly improved 1:100K National Hydrography Dataset NED Elevation Grids (1-arc-second) Additional Components: Stream Network Value Added Attributes (VAA) Flow Direction and Flow Accumulation Grids Elevation-based Reach Catchments Catchment Attributes mean annual temperature & precipitation from prism % of each of the 21 land use classes from 1992 NLCD Streamline Attributes min/max elevations slope mean annual flow estimates velocity Cumulative Upstream Area Attributes for Every Grid Cell Network Locations of USGS Stream Gaging Stations
8 Contractor for the USGS at the EROS Data Center Network Locations of USGS Stream Gages Gage ID: Station Name: White Canyon Near Hanksville, UT Reach Code: Drainage Area: 276 sq. mi. Maximum Flow: 1,370 cfs Average Flow: 5.1 cfs Plus other info from NWIS
9 Contractor for the USGS at the EROS Data Center Upstream trace above point of interest
10 Contractor for the USGS at the EROS Data Center
11 Contractor for the USGS at the EROS Data Center Network Locations of USGS Stream Gages
12 Contractor for the USGS at the EROS Data Center Interactive drought index composition Pick and choose among potential drought index location points Generate tributary area Pick and choose among stations and reservoirs in tributary area Link to CUAHSI HIS observation data for stations and reservoirs Calculate index and evaluate results Iterate as desired
13 Contractor for the USGS at the EROS Data Center Questions?