Exam2 : Oct 25, 2012 Exam2 : Lecture note #8 through #18
In summary… Important Concepts Need for bias & overscan region Pre-processing of CCD data Combine multiple frames of the same kind (why?) Bad pixel correction Pros and cons of different flats Fringe Important Terms Overscan FITS, header, HDU Bias, dark, flat o dome flat o twilight flat o sky flat Chapter/sections covered in this lecture : 9
In summary… Important Concepts Various noise sources at different wavelengths and their relation to the observing techniques. Median combining of images Important Terms Dither observation Shift and add Shift and median Coadd Nod-and-shuffle Chapter/sections covered in this lecture : 9
In summary… Important Concepts CCD equation (consult textbook!) Aperture photometry PSF fitting photometry Important Terms photon-noise limited sky-limited readout noise limited Chapter/sections covered in this lecture : 9.5
In summary… Important Concepts Aperture correction Upper limit calculation Important Terms Aperture Correction Chapter/sections covered in this lecture : Not in the textbook
In summary… Important Concepts Color correction filter response function Kind of photometric indices Important Terms effective wavelength isophotal wavelength filter bandpass Chapter/sections covered in this lecture :
In summary… Important Concepts Bouguer’s Law Photometric condition Standard Transformation Important Terms Extinction coefficient Forbes effect Chapter/sections covered in this lecture : 10.6 & 10.7
In summary… Important Concepts Photometric system Color indices and physical parameters Color of A0V star Important Terms Photographic & photovisual mag Johnson-Cousin system Bessel system Broadband infraredbands Chapter/sections covered in this lecture : 10.4 & 10.5
In summary… Important Concepts Structure of the spectroscopic data Steps of spectroscopic reduction Important Terms aperture tracing telluric correction equivalent width good manual h h h h h tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// iiii rrrr aaaa ffff.... nnnn oooo aaaa oooo.... eeee dddd uuuu //// iiii rrrr aaaa ffff //// ffff tttt pppp //// iiii rrrr aaaa ffff //// dddd oooo cccc ssss //// ssss pppp eeee cccc tttt.... pppp ssss.... ZZZZChapter/sections covered in this lecture : 11.6
In summary… Important Concepts Different dispersive elements Diffraction grating Pros and cons of prism and grating Important Terms Resolving power grating constant Gratings : amplitude, blazed (phase), echelle grism Chapter/sections covered in this lecture : Ch. 11
In summary… Important Concepts Slit orientation 2D spectroscopy o Multi-object spectrograph o Integral Field Spectrograph Important Terms Chapter/sections covered in this lecture : Ch 11
In summary… Important Concepts Difficulty of mid-IR observations Advantage of adaptive secondary Important Terms Beam-switching observation Chopping Chapter/sections covered in this lecture : N/A