The SOLAR-B Science Center in Japan International Workshop: The 6 th SOLAR-B Science Meeting Kyoto International Community House Masumi Shimojo, Saku Tsuneta, and SOLAR-B Project/NAOJ Abstract: We are proposing to establish the Solar-B science center (SBSC) at NAOJ. The concept of the proposal is that SBSC be a platform for joint research to maximize scientific return from SOLAR-B. The concept was accepted both by NAOJ and JAXA. The computer system of SBSC includes the PC-cluster for the inversion of the vector magnetogram and the local helioseismology. The mass-storage system at NAO is mainly for the higher-level data, while JAXA/ISAS maintains lower-level data. We plan to provide methodology to make DVD Movie disc etc for simultaneous browse of SOT, XRT and EIS data. We are discussing with JAXA/ISAS for the easy-to-use data search system based on the existing ISAS DARTS data archive system. We recognize that these plans are ambitious. SBSC invites both domestic and international visitors, and provide scientifically comfortable environment for joint data analysis. SOLAR-B Level-0 FITS File Archive SOLAR-B Mission-Wide Data Search/Provide System based on the DARTS JAXA/ISAS All observing data of SOLAR-B received at Uchinoura and Svalvard are accumulated in JAXA/ISAS, and are reformatted to the FITS files. JAXA/ISAS archives the FITS files in the DARTS (Data ARchive and Transmission System). The number of the FITS files is huge, and it is difficult to search the FITS files for the data analysis. To solve the problem, JAXA/ISAS and SBSC are developing the search/provide system jointly. The system are constructed on the web system, and has the useful user-interface. The search keys of the search system are taken from the FITS keywords of the SOLAR-B FITS files. The list of the FITS keywords for the search system are discussed in the MODA working group, now. end-users (Scientists) Web interface Data FITS files MPEG files The PC Grid-Cluster SBSC SOT-SP Vector Magnetogram Level-2 FITS Files The inversion of the vector magnetogram and the local helioseismology need large computing resource. Particularly we may need the large computing power for the inversion of the vector magnetogram because the SOT-SP data for the vector magnetogram will be taken constantly. In order to meet the needs of computing resource, SBSC prepare the PC Grid- Cluster system. The PC Grid-Cluster system will be constructed from 32 CPUs ( or 16 Dual-Core CPUs) that are the newest x86 (w/EMT64 or x86_64) architecture model. Since we will be able to use the system like not only the “Grid” system but also the “Cluster” system, we named the system “The PC Grid-Cluster System”. We are planning the following usage of the system. During the working time of Japan, the system will be open to the scientists of the world, and will be used for various analysis of SOLAR-B data. During the night of Japan, the system will be used for only the inversion of the vector magnetogram. The inversion process will be done automatically and will analyze all SOT-SP data taken on the previous day. We are planning that the FITS files of the vector magnetogram made by the system will be provided using the SOLAR-B DARTS system. The DVD System for SBSC MPEG-2 Encoding System SOLAR-B MPEG-2 File Archive DVD Authoring User (Scientists) Side DVD The Data Analysis SBSC The data-analysis room of SBSC at NAOJ In the YOHKOH era, a LD (Laser Disk) movie system of SXT images was very useful for the start point of studies. And many important studies using YOHKOH data were born using the LD movie system. We think that the movie system for SOLAR-B data is one of the most important items to maximize scientific return from SOLAR-B. However, there are large differences between YOHKOH and SOLAR-B. One of the differences is that SOLAR- B has three imaging instruments. YOHKOH had only one imaging instrument that we could make the movie from the data constantly. On the other hand, we can make some movies from the data of SOT, XRT, and EIS. And it is not effective for the science using SOLAR-B data if we can watch a movie made from the data of only one instrument. In order to solve the problem, we plan to use the DVD system for SOLAR-B data. The DVD system has the "multi-angle" function. If we use the function, we can simultaneous browse of several movies (see Figure "MultiAngle"). Since the function is one of the standard function of the DVD system, all DVD player can play the DVD disc with the multi-angle format. We plan to provide the multi-angle DVD disc of SOLAR-B data. Of course, during making the DVD disc, we will make MPEG-2 movie files. We plan to also provide the MPEG-2 movie files using SOLAR-B DARTS system. Figure: MultiAngle The DVD disc with the multi-angle format includes several movies (The maximum number of movies is 9). If we use the function, you can switch the movie using only one "ANGLE" button of the remote-controller of the DVD player. Since the time-codes of the movies are synchronized, we can check the movies of the same time. SBSC will prepare the data-analysis environment for not only the members of the SOLAR-B project/NAOJ but also the domestic and international visitors. The system has the capacity that 20 scientists at NAOJ and a few scientists on the network can analyze the SOLAR-B data at a time.