Next Steps, Priorities, Strategy for Spares Ray Veness
Contents 2 Introduction Status and next steps – Identify installed instruments and their spares – Logistics – Consolidation Consolidation budget and Priorities – Ongoing procurement – Risk score ‘Top 5’ Summary and Conclusions
Introduction 3 BI has around 2200 instruments on the beamlines of the LHC and injector chain There are a number of issues that impact on their availability for operations: – lack of documentation, – obsolescence, – changing CERN environment and use (eg, vacuum, LHC wire scanner use) – Average time in storage is ~19 years These can all be resolved, but we are limited by: – Budget, typically from the CERN consolidation project – People with the skills and availability to commit to this project
Identify Installed Instruments and their Spares 4 Inventory documents in EDMS – PS injector chain – SPS injector chain – LHC All non-LHC lines Identification of instruments and their spare parts – Find or produce drawings for every instrument A huge task – will need prioritisation – Transfer non-BI instruments to their owners – MTF label on all instruments in the machine – Identify spares for their instruments STARTED TBD STARTED
Logistics 5 Refurbish spares storage areas – B.867 radioactive transit storage – B.865 non-radioactive components storage – B.955,954 long-term radioactive storage: objective and status – B.879 long-term instrument storage: objective and status Stock control of parts – VSC validation of all instruments in long-term storage – Stock control system (in/out) TBD STARTED
Consolidation 6 Prioritise what to buy – Complete the risk analysis of LHC-chain instruments Missing impact data for the LHC – Agree priority list based on this analysis – Agree with VSC and other stakeholders who keeps what Procurement process – Request budgets from consolidation – Procure and store spares TODAY! TBD STARTED NEARLY THERE
Consolidation Budget and Plans 7 Initial requests from consolidation budget for ‘Critical Mechanical Spares’ for PS and SPS have been made and approved for the period The following was already procured in 2014: – PSB BWS spare tank (corrosion issue) – PSB BWS replacement chamber (machine continuity) – PS FBCT spare ceramic chamber – Renovation of logistics and storage areas in B.865 The following is currently scheduled for : – PSB 2x spare wire scanner instrument assemblies (active spares to minimise intervention times) – BTP line: BTV10 (replacement of unmaintainable instrument) – PS SEM grids for PR.MSG48, PR.MSG52, PR.MSG54 (leaks in LS1 – unmaintainable) – SPS SEM SMG52 – SPS spare wire scanners, rotary and linear, numbers TBD (active spares to minimise intervention times) – Sorting and re-validation of spares in radioactive storage Further requests will be made for consolidation budgets in the future, limited as much by available manpower in BI as budget Following recent LHC BWS issues, a consolidation budget will be requested for the LHC
Risk Point ‘Top 5’ for SPS, PS and PSB 8 BWS(BWSA)beam wire scanner, rotative, longinstalled2244 BWS(BWSB)beam wire scanner, rotative, shortinstalled1244 BWS(BWSD)beam wire scanner, linear, second generationinstalled2256 BSGBeam SEM grid horzontal, linearinstalled2108 BBSBeam beam monitorsinstalled1474 BWSBeam wire scanner - horizontalinstalled5305 BSFBeam SEM filinstalled1220 BTVBeam TV observation monitorsinstalled590 BCTBeam current transformersinstalled590 BSGBeam SEM gridinstalled356 BWSBeam wire scannerinstalled8164 BTVBeam TV observation monitorsinstalled340 BQKtune,chromaticity and coupling measurmentsinstalled420 BPMBeam position Monitorsinstalled688 to 42 BCWBeam wall current monitorintalled410 InstrumentDescriptionstatusquantityRisk points SPS PS PSB
Summary and Conclusions 9 We now have a good picture of the instruments installed in the injector chain – But we are missing many drawings, knowledge of spares and implementation of the logistics – This represents many man/years of work – The non-LHC chain is a significant new project, not currently resourced We have a budget line and have started with the highest priorities from the risk list – Further input from OP and BI experts welcome to optimise this list – We will continue on this path to the limits of our resources for the coming period – … but this means that new spares or drawings will not be produced for instruments with a medium/low risk point score for some years
10 Backup material
Risk Matrix 10/06/2015 Nikoloz SHARMAZANASHVILI 11 Impact on machine performance Instrument Failure Risk 1- Low importance - instrument failure has no significant impact on machine 2 – Setup –3 – Redundant – some redundancy or performance loss below 1% 4 – Nominal operation of Machine - Loss in performance 50%<X<1%) 5 – Critical for operation – Machine interlock or loss of performance >50% High ( ) BWS(BWSD) BWS(BWSB) Medium ( ) BWS(BWRE) BTVBSG Low (0 -20) BGI BBCBCT,BPM Strategy according to the instrument importance in the machine Replacement vacuum chamber available Sub components/parts availableReserve instrument on shelf