We’re glad you’re here!!
MUSIC NOTES Seth Smith has joined us as interim Music Director. Read all about it in this week’s bulletin! Welcome Seth and Leah!!
MUSIC NOTES Gib Rogers will be joining us December 6 th as our permanent pianist. Read all about it in this week’s bulletin! Welcome Gib!!
HUNGRY? Wednesday Nov. 11 menu: Spaghetti, garlic bread, salad Fill out your reservation form and place it in the offering plate. SEE YOU THERE!!
Are You College-Age and looking for a class? Join us on Sunday mornings for a new group JUST FOR YOU! Contact Dana or Karen McClellan with questions.
IT’S POINSETTIA TIME AGAIN! Help decorate the sanctuary for the Christmas season by donating a poinsettia in honor or in memory of a loved one. $6 each Forms located in bulletin or on the table outside of the office. Place in offering plate. Deadline is Sunday, November 22 nd.
Church by the Numbers Total Deposit Nov. 4: $9, Land Debt Retirement - bank loan: Principle Remaining $20, J Dollars: Total receipts: $55, Total expenditures: $36,971.41
Birthday s
If you haven’t shared your information lately, please grab a pink sheet from the vestibule and do so. Carol is updating our database and wants to make sure everything is correct before tax time. Thank you!
7 Fridays from now is Christmas Day! So we’re gathering for a STOCKING STUFFING FOR THE HOMELESS Sat., Nov. 14 at 10am Contact Karen McClellan with questions.
facebook.com/wsbconline Keep up with church news during the week.
Morning, y’all! So glad you’re here today!
The flowers today are given by the congregation. If you would like to donate flowers for Nov. 15 th, please call Carol to reserve your spot.
Senior Adult Fall Festival Saluda River Baptist Church Thurs., Nov. 12th, :30 AM - 1:00 PM Shealy’s BBQ - $10 Call Janice Garner to save your spot!!
Don’t forget Operation Christmas Child Boxes due 11-22
Church Conference TODAY After worship
WE’RE STARTING AN ORCHESTRA!! Check the details in the bulletin and talk to Seth to reserve your spot.
Constitution & By-Laws Committee Thurs., Nov. 12 at 6:30 PM
Stockings for the Homeless Work Day Join us Sat., Nov. 14 th at 10 am to make & stuff stockings. Check the HOT PINK sheets in the hallway by the office for things we need for this project.
Don’t forget to hug a vet and thank them for their service. Wed., Nov. 11th
Missions Committee Monday at 6:00 PM
Preschool/Children’s Committee Meeting TODAY at 4:00 PM
MOUNTAIN MOVERS “Where two or more are gathered, we will eat.” Thurs., Nov. 19 at 11:00 AM Chicken & Dressing Provided Chicken & Dressing Provided Bring your favorite Thanksgiving side to share Bring your favorite Thanksgiving side to share Don’t forget dessert! Don’t forget dessert!