Week 2 Ellen Shilling
Week 2 –Present moment awareness & Acceptance
What will they do for you?
Present moment awareness “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.” Buddha
What is acceptance? Its saying: “ Things are as they are in this moment” ….without judgement or labelling (the hard part!)
Acceptance is…. accepting the present moment, in whatever form that presents itself to you. That is, meeting whatever is happening in this moment without resistance, frustration, anger or any negative emotion. Cultivating at sense of “things are as they are…… even though I might not like them or I might want to change them” or “this is as it is…..what can I do to change my perspective.”
Story time……
What exactly am I accepting The moment as it presents itself to you (even if you don’t like it!) Your self….eventually
Moving meditation
Lets meditate… Sometimes in order to open your eyes, you need to close them. Notice your thoughts. Observe your body. Come back to your breath….. GENTLY
Invitation Meditate for 10 minutes every day. Present moment awareness: Observe where your thoughts are everyday. Future or past? Play with acceptance. Find a situation that you're not accepting and accept it. See how it feels and look for the opportunities & solutions that are presented to you once you do. Then find another one that you don’t, see what it looks and feels like in comparison.