Developing Analytics Curriculum for the Community College: Training Today’s Workforce for the Future Tanya Scott Director, Business Analytics Department Assoc. Dean, Business & Public Services Dr. Manju Shah Assoc. Department Head, Business Analytics Department
Wake Technical Community College RALEIGH, NC Largest community college in NC 70,000+ students County population: 1 million The college is 52 years old.
Beltline Education Center Northern Wake Campus Eastern Wake Education Center Perry Health Sciences Campus Public Safety Education Campus Western Wake Campus Main Campus RTP Campus (Opening 2017)
AAS Business Analytics: DOLTAA TAACCCT Round 2 Grantee TAACCCT (Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training) Program Partnership between the Department of Labor and the Department of Education Received award October 2012; offered our first course January 2013 Focus: employability in analytics fields
Source: United States Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration:
Poll Question Are you interested in offering an analytics program? Yes No
Poll Question What educational institution do you represent? Community College Four-Year College, Public Four-Year College, Private Other training facility
AAS Business Analytics: The Importance of the Community College Open enrollment Accessible Fewer perceived obstacles Fewer ‘start-up costs’ Cost-to-benefit Flexibility Scheduling Modality in learning Likeminded student colleagues
AAS Business Analytics: Initial Challenges No other AAS program or the like to benchmark: Traditionally offered at the graduate level Traditionally statistics and/or IT-Database tracked Employability in a field that typically hires individuals with at least a Bachelor degree, usually a graduate degree Program is open enrollment and requires little to no prerequisites (developmental math and English). Online/hybrid most popular. Accelerated online most popular. Difficult to find qualified faculty (at our salary range). Lack of industry consensus “what is analytics”
AAS Business Analytics: Structured Pathways Clear program structure with a balance between flexible and prescriptive options Provide timeline and sequence that keeps students on track to completion Align courses with transfer and articulation options Encourage degree and credential declaration early Limit elective choices
AAS Business Analytics: Strategies Industry partnerships Networking and attending specialty group meetings Student-centric program hosted events Internships and adopting real-world projects Focus on problem solving and application versus theory Boot camps and other resources Accelerated program/certificates Structured pathways Latticed credentials Industry certifications
AAS Business Analytics: The Students
Poll Question Have you had student demand for offering an analytics curriculum? Yes No
Poll Question Have you had industry demand for offering an analytics curriculum? Yes No
AAS Business Analytics: Serving Underrepresented Populations in Stem- Related Careers Women Veterans Underserved populations
AAS Business Analytics: Motivators Career transition Upward mobility Quality of life
AAS Business Analytics: Program Associate in Applied Science degree: 64 credits Five embedded certificates: Business Intelligence Business Analyst Marketing Analytics Finance Analytics Logistics Analytics
AAS Business Analytics: 9 Core Courses BAS 120: Introduction to Analytics Explain the analytical process and the role of the analyst. Utilize applied descriptive statistics to make basic business decisions. Utilize exploratory data analysis to make basic business decisions. BAS 121: Data Visualization Utilize concepts and methods in the graphical representation of data Utilize concepts and methods in the exploration and reporting of data Conduct basic linear regression methods Apply data visualization concepts to communicate insights about data.
AAS Business Analytics: 9 Core Courses BAS 150 Introduction to Analytical Programming Utilize statistical programming tools to conduct descriptive analytics. BAS 220 Applied Analytical Programming Process data utilizing appropriate pre-processing practices Apply linear and logistic regression using programming tools Generate reports that support business decision-making
AAS Business Analytics: 9 Core Courses BAS 221 Introduction to Predictive Analytics Build and validate predictive models for classification tasks. Build and validate predictive models for regression tasks. BAS 230 Applied Predictive Modeling Apply classification models to guide decisions. Apply regression models to guide decisions.
AAS Business Analytics: 9 Core Courses BAS 250 Analytical Tools and Methods Analyze complex data, including semi-structured and unstructured data, using analytical tools and methods. BAS 270 Advanced Analytical Tools and Methods Apply analytical methods and best practices in a simulated business setting.
AAS Business Analytics: Technology Used Alteryx Tableau SAS Programming SAS Enterprise R Python
Thank you! Contact Information: Tanya Manju