Support and protectionSupport and protection Body movement- muscle attachmentBody movement- muscle attachment Blood cell formation- hematopoiesisBlood cell formation- hematopoiesis Storage of fat- yellow marrowStorage of fat- yellow marrow Storage of inorganic salts- calcium and phosphorousStorage of inorganic salts- calcium and phosphorous
Axial: along “axis”: head and trunk Appendicular: “appendages”: arms and legs and their attachment to trunk
Table 7.2 in your book
Protect brain Many paired bones Infants- not completely fused (fontanels or soft spots) Sutures- immovable joints
Middle ear- 6 bones
Hyoid Bone Does not articulate with any other boneDoes not articulate with any other bone Often broken during strangulationOften broken during strangulation
Vertebral Column- 26 bones Strong, flexible, rotates Protects spinal cord, supports head Intervertebral discs between
Born with 33- fuse to 26 –7 cervical (neck)- smaller, bifed clef C1- atlas, C2- axis –12 thoracic (chest)- stronger, long spine –5 lumbar (lower back)- strongest, short spine –Sacrum (5 fused mid 20s) –Coccyx (4 fused by 30)- tail bone
4 normal curves –Fetus only one –Cervical (3 months) and lumbar (6 months)- convex (bulge out) –Thoracic and sacral- concave (cave in)
Thoracic Cage- 25 bones 12 pairs of ribs (1-7 increase, 8-12 decrease) –Attached by costal cartilage –True ribs (1-7)- direct attachment –False ribs (8-12)- no anterior attachment –Floating ribs (11- 12)- no anterior attachment
Pectoral Girdle- 4 bones Clavicle- collar bones- s-shaped- weak juncture Scapula- shoulder bones
Upper Limbs- 60 bones 1. Clavicle 1a. Sternal end 1b. Acromial end 2. scapula 2a. Coracoid process 2b. Acromion 2c. Subscapular fossa 2d. Infraspinous fossa 2e. Spine of scapula 2f. Supraspious fossa 2g. Glenoid cavity 3. Acromioclavicular 4. Glenohumeral joint 5. Humerus 5b. Deltoid tuberosity 5c. Head 5d. Surgical neck 5e. Anatomical neck 5f. Greater tubercle 5g. Lateral epicondyle 5h. Medial epicondyle 5i. Capitulum 5j. Trochlea 5k. Coronoid fossa 6. Ulna 6a. Olecranon 7. Radius 1. Phalanges 1a. Distal 1b. Medial 1c. Proximal 1d. Base 1e. Head 2 Interphalangeal joints 3 Sesamoid bone 4 Metacarpophalangeal joints 5 Intermetacarpal joints 6. Metacarpals 6a. Base 6b. shaft 6c. Head 7. Carpometacarpal joint 8. Trapezium 9. Trapezoid 10. Capitate 11. Hamate 12. Pisiform 13. Triquetrum 14. Lunate 15. Scaphoid 16. Midcarpal join
Pelvic Girdle- 2 bones United at pubic symphysisUnited at pubic symphysis Three parts fuse at birth- ilium, pubis, ischiumThree parts fuse at birth- ilium, pubis, ischium
Lower Limbs- 60 bones 1. Hip joint 2.Femur 2a. Head 2b. Neck 2c. Greater trochanter 2d Lesse trochanter 2e. Lateral epicondyle 2f. Medial epicondyle 2g. Adductor tubercle 2h. Medial condyle 2i. Lateral condyle 2j. Intercondylar fossa 2k. Linea aspera 3. Patella 4. Knee joint 5. Tibia 5a. Lateral condyle 5b. Medial condyle 5c. Tibial tuberosity 5d. Medial malleolus 6. Fibula 6a. Head 6b. Crest 6c. Lateral malleolus 7. Ankle joint 8 Talus 9. Calconeus
Male vs. Female Males bones larger and heavier Angle of pubic symphysis less for men