National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Glenn Research Center North Campus Development Options Industry Briefing January 19, 2010
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Briefing Agenda 1)Request For Information FedBizOpps Posted Date: Jan 5, 2010 –Background –Assumptions –Responses from Potential Firms 2)NASA’s Next Steps 3)Other Questions, Concerns
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Request For Information FedBizOpps Posted Date: Jan 5, 2010 The purpose is to help NASA identify parties who may be interested and capable of providing a development concept for the north campus in advance of the scheduled demolition of the buildings (demolition currently scheduled to commence summer 2010). NASA intends to enable the redevelopment of NASA’s land by the private sector in a manner that supports the Agency’s missions. NASA GRC envisions that NASA’s North Campus land could be developed by the private sector as an office and technology park to house NASA Support Service Contractors, aerospace partners, or provide general office space to the private sector’s utilization.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Any expression of interest should reflect the following assumptions: 1.There are no federal funds available for this activity, nor are there guaranteed tenants. 2.NASA will consider a long-term lease of the property (land). 3.The developer may consider concepts where NASA’s existing building(s) are not demolished. 4.The developer must assume all financial responsibility for any construction, rehabilitation, operations, and maintenance of the North Campus site. 5.The developer will own all permanent structures erected by the developer or abandoned by NASA as part of any redevelopment effort.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Any expression of interest should reflect the following assumptions (con’t): 6.The developer will demolish all permanent structures at the end of the term of the lease, and return the site to NASA as a green field. 7.All redevelopment concepts must include a significant amount “class A/B” office space dedicated for Aerospace related entities. The developer will offer to lease a minimum of 30% of the available office space to house NASA support service contractor occupants. 8.NASA will reserve the right to approve the type of tenants who lease office space from the developer. 9.The developer will be responsible to comply will all Federal, State and Local regulations related to construction, demolition, occupancy, operations, etc.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Your Firm’s Official Response Responses should include: I.Description of Concepts to develop the north campus. II.Capabilities and experience in similar development. III.Minimum requirements needed from NASA to develop the north campus. * It is requested that initial responses be limited to no more than 10 pages.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA’s Next Steps 1.NASA GRC reviews all RFI response submittals, determines if enough interest exists and if firms are technically capable 2.NASA GRC formulates draft Request For Proposal (RFP) based on submittals and requirements 3.NASA GRC issues RFP, potential developers have TBD weeks to submit 4.NASA GRC reviews proposals, selects best 5.NASA GRC Decision Point TBD – Late Spring/Early Summer If yes, NASA GRC negotiates Interim License Agreement 7.NASA GRC + Developer sign Interim License Agreement 8.Successful Developer assumes responsibility for North Campus 9.NASA GRC + Developer begin negotiations on Long Term Land Lease
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Other Considerations Access to the parking lot will be provided as part of any anticipated lease pursuant to an existing legal commitment between the City of Cleveland and NASA NASA anticipates a longer lease with a developer, anywhere from a 20 year to 50 year lease. The exact timeframe should be proposed by the developer based on their business model NASA will not dictate terms of the lease, the potential developer’s business case should allow for certain terms and conditions of a lease Upon submittal of your business case NASA will be interested in discussing how the proposed business model would work and so forth NASA contractors will not have a requirement to sign for a timeframe longer than their contract period of performance. The developer will have to compete on open market and there are advantages to that (i.e. commonly considered to be on campus, current IT infrastructure, Building security, etc.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Questions? 9
National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA GRC Point of Contact Lori A Conroy Contracting Officer Brookpark Road, Mail Stop , Cleveland, OH Phone: Fax: